Love And Loss

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Griffin rushed outside,looking at everyone there.Everyone was alive!Griffin ran down,searching for Jason.She screamed his name again and again.

"GRIFFIN!"Petra yelled.

Griffin turned around and saw Petra standing at the entrance to the temple with Olivia and Axel,and Jason!Griffin ran over,hugging him.

"Never do ANYTHING like that again!"she cried.


Petra looked over,seeing Gabriel,Soren,Ivor Harper and Notch walk up to them.

"Did we win?"Ivor asked.

"I think so"Olivia answered.

"How's Ellegaard doing?"Petra asked.

"Astonishingly,she's fine!No trace of infection left!"Soren answered.

"When we saw the sky go back to normal,we ran here to see if everything's alright"Harper explained.

"We should probably go back and see Ellegaard"Axel suggested.

"Sorry Axel,but Magnus hasn't seen her in over a year.They should be back to hating each other in about a week"Ivor replied.

"Petra!Over here!"

Everyone turned around and saw a small child run out of the temple and up to Petra.He had red hair,freckles,green eyes and a pink hoodie,with a small pig in on of the arms.

"Where's mama?"he asked.

"Um.....hey kid!Are you lost?"Petra asked,awkwardly.

"Petra it's me!"the boy snapped.

"Sorry,kiddo.I don't think we've met before"Petra replied.

"Rueben!"the boy snapped.

Everyone stared at him.

"I'm Rueben!"

"Is this a joke?"Axel asked.

"Actually,I think it's very much real!"

Petra turned around and saw the Founder standing there.

"Miss founder?"Ivor asked.

"Please,call me Isa"the Founder replied.

"How is that Rueben?"Olivia asked.

"I know I'm a kid,but I still have feelings!"the boy growled.

"Indeed,it is strange.But it happened to Benedict.She....well,it's ridiculous,but she's a human"Isa answered.

"But how do we know that's Rueben?"Petra asked.

"Again,I can hear you"the boy sighed.

"Well,ask hims something that only Rueben would know"Isa suggested.

"Fine!"Petra sighed.

She turned to the small child.

"Alright kid,how did you meet Jesse?"Petra asked.

"I met mama at a waterfall when I was a baby piggy"the boy answered,smiling.

"Yep,that's him"Petra said,flatly.

Everyone rushed forward and gave Rueben a hug.

"Jesse missed you so much,Rueben!"Olivia mentioned.

"Wow!Where's mama?I wanna say hi"Rueben squeaked.

"Griffin?"Axel asked.

"Temple"Griffin answered,pointing at the hidden room.

"Well,let's get going!"Axel exclaimed.

Rueben grabbed his leg and tried his best to old him back.

"What is it,buddy?"Axel asked,bending down to the child's height.

Rueben jumped onto Axel's back and sat on his shoulders.

"Onward,Axel!"he laughed.

Axel smirked and walked into the temple,everyone else following him.They all laughed and chatted the whole way.This was the way thing were supposed to be.Rueben was filled with excitement!He couldn't wait to see Jesse again!

Axel climbed up the vines with Rueben holding onto his back.When he made it up,he brushed the dust off himself.He was about to walk into the portal room,but he stopped.There was a huge puddle of blood in the center of the room,and Lukas was sitting in it,with Jesse in his arms.His eyes were filled with tears.Rueben was still sitting on Axel's shoulders,staring.He shuffled down,careful not to fall.When he made it to the floor,he stared again.

"Mama?"he sniffed,tears running down his cheeks.

Lukas's head snapped in his direction.Rueben didn't move.He was scared.What was wrong with Jesse?

"MAMA!"Rueben screamed,running over.

Axel tried to grab him,but missed.Rueben stood next to Lukas,tears pooring out.

"What happened to mama?"he asked.

Lukas stared at him.He wasn't shocked,or scared,or confused.He knew it had to be Rueben.He looked back at the girl in his arms,and back at Rueben.He smiled.

"Jesse..."Lukas said,calmly.

"Everything's gonna be fine!We're gonna get you out of here!"

Lukas looked over at Axel.There was a look in his eyes.Axel knew it was a 'Help me' look.He rushed over,bending down to see if Jesse was alright.

"What happened?"he asked.

".....I.....I stabbed her!"Lukas answered.

"You what?!"Axel asked.

"It wasn't me!I mean,it was,but-"

"Axel,what's taking so-OH MY GOD!"Petra yelled,climbing into the room.

She gazed in horror at Jesse's still,bloody body.

"Does anyone have a healing potion?"Lukas asked.

"Lukas,what happened?!"Petra demanded.

"I attacked her!"Lukas answered.

"Petra,get everyone else!"Axel ordered.

Petra nodded and quickly climbed downstairs.Lukas looked at Rueben.He was staring at the wound on Jesse's stomach.

"Papa,is mama gonna be okay?"Rueben asked.

Lukas stared at him.Papa?What,why,who,how?He just called him papa.Why?

"Yes,Rueben.She's going to be okay"Lukas answered,smiling.

Everyone climbed into the room.They all gazed in horror at the sight.Ivor quickly handed Lukas a healing potion.Lukas was about to hand it to Jesse,when she held up her weak hand.

"Lukas.....don't....."she whispered.

"It's alright,Jesse.This will help"Lukas replied.

"No.....p-please......j-just leave......"Jesse whispered.


"T-There's.....n-no use...I...please......j-just.....don't c-can't h-help you....anymore!"Jesse muttered.

"Lukas,hurry up!She won't last much longer!"Petra urged.

Lukas sat there.He had a though choice to make.If he gave her the potion,she'd probably hate him.If he let her die,everyone would hate him,and he'd hate himself...

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