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"JESSE!"Lukas screamed,tears running down his face.

He stared at the screen,at the girl in Herobrines arms.His arms.Lukas was furious.He curled his hand into a fist and punched the screen with all his might!When he looked,he left a huge crack.He hit the screen again,and again,and again.Suddenly,it disappeared from under his hand.For a minute,he only saw black.Lukas closed his eyes,and opened them.Herobrine was gone!Lukas wasn't in the mind anymore,he was in control.For a second,he was happy.Then he remembered.He looked down at Jesse's pale,weak form.

"Jesse?Jesse,please don't give up yet!"he begged.

"Lu........Lukas......"Jesse whispered.

The corners of her mouth turned up,making a little smile.

"Y-Your gonna be okay,Jesse!I promise!"Lukas said.

Suddenly,the portal started flashing faster,and faster.Lukas covered his eyes,sheilding them from the light.Without warning,the lights stopped.He looked at the portal,it was gone!No magic,just an empty frame.Lukas peaked outside and saw the sky slowly turn pale blue.He looked out in front of the temple.All the zombies were gone.Instead,there were people!Petra,Olivia,Axel,everyone who got bitten,eaten or killed.They were all there!

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