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"We've been walking for days!"Em whined.

"Well,you don't have to worry for much longer.We're here!"Jason announced.

At this point,they ended up in an incredibly icy,frosty winter.They walked to the top of the trail and saw a great,huge,beautiful mountain.And at the bottom,there was a HUGE mansion!

"C'mon!Let's go!"Ivor said,running back down the trail.

"Ivor,wait!"Harper called,running after him.

Em,Petra,Griffin and Jason took off after him.Jesse stood at the top of the trail.She could feel  the icy wind blowing in her hair.It felt like needles against her skin!She turned around and saw Olivia and Axel walk down the trail,yet again,holding hands.Jesse envied them.They had what they wanted.They had someone  to have good times with.Jesse didn't.Petra was right.Jesse did like Lukas,way too much!She wanted to punish herself for think of him the way she did.They were supposed to be friends,they weren't supposed to be together!Jesse wanted to scream her feelings at the top of her lungs.Let the world know how she felt.But she knew it was useless.She knew no matter what she did,what she said,Lukas would never feel the same...

*At the mansion*

"So this is the place?"Petra asked,inspecting the mansion.

"Yep!The Creator never brought me here,but he told me about it"Griffin answered,knocking on the huge obsidian doors.

They waited for a minute,awkward silence all around.Suddenly,the doors were hauled open.There was a young woman standing there.She had blonde hair,a white dress,white shoes and white tights.Everything on her was blinding!

"Is that her?"Axel asked.

"No,that's not him"Griffin sighed.

"Hello,how can I help you?"the young woman asked

"We're looking for the Creator"Jesse answered.

"Oh of coarse,come on in!"the woman answered in a tone that could shatter glass.

Everyone trudged in,the huge doors shutting behind them.The place was quiet.Too quiet.

"Follow me"the woman said,walking down one of the many halls.After walking a while,they came into a huge lab.It was all pure white!Suddenly,Em spotted something in the corner of her eye.

"Who was that?"she panicked,backing away.

"Visitor's,I presume?"

"Yes sir!They said they needed to see you!"the woman asked.

"Miss Bell,you may leave us..."

"Yes sir"the woman squeaked,skipping out of the lab.

"Lucifer Ashly Sanders..."

Suddenly,a ma stood out form behind one of the white machines.

"How dare you show your face around here?"he asked,walking closer to Griffin.

"Can always count on you for a warm welcome..."Jason mumbled.

"We have a problem sir"Griffin mentioned.

"Oh really?And why would I help you?"the man asked.

"Because there are innocent people who's lives are at risk!"Jesse snapped,stepping forward.

The man looked taken back.

"You"he whispered.

"I've heard about you,miss.Jessica Annabell Kelsey.The leader of the new Order Of The Stone!"

"It's Jesse,dirt bag!Now tell us how to stop this thing!"Jesse snapped.

"And why should I help you?Because your a 'good' guy?"the man asked.

"Because I've got this!"Jesse answered.

She held the Atlas out towards him.

"The.......the Atlas?"the man asked.

"It's all yours if you help us"Jesse replied.

For a minute,Jesse actually thought he would help.

"Ridiculous!Lucifer,get this girl out of my home,now!I will not help any of you no matter what you offer!"the man snapped.

"Even if it involves Herobrine?"Griffin asked.

The man froze.

"Why do you speak of my brother?"he asked.

"Prestly thinks he's back.She stayed behind so she could try and find out who he possessed"Griffin explained.

"Lucifer,I will help you.But once we have defeated my brother,I will return here,and you will never try to contact me again"the man explained.

"Thank you,Notch"Griffin sighed.

"We need to get moving,now!"Jesse said,walking towards the door.

"Indeed we do,miss Jessica"the man agreed.

"Call me 'Jessica' one more time and I'll throw you out the window!"Jesse growled.

"Forgive me"the man said.

"So what is Notch going to do?"Ivor asked.

"Wait,how do you know his name?"Griffin questioned.

"Oh I know him.I wouldn't say we were 'Friends' though"Ivor answered.

"It's good to see you again too,Ivor"the man sighed.

"Well,if you guys haven't guessed already,this is Notch"Jason mentioned.

"Notch,this is Jesse,Petra,Em,Olivia,Axel,Harper and Ivor!"Griffin mentioned.

"I don't need to know their names,I just need to defeat my brother"Notch scoffed.

He walked out of the lab,leaving everyone else to follow him as if they were trash.

"Jeez,what a jerk"Jesse mumbled.

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