Take 1 - Find Your Love - ACTION!

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I took out the raincoat that I kept in my emergency kit. The weather forecast mentioned that it would be raining today. Just like they said, it actually happened. Personally, I don't think that weather forecast reports are actually reliable. My calculations are that they have a very good chance of being wrong. However, overall they provides approximately 75 percent almost correct prediction.

Let's leave it at that.

The rain would have me gotten me all wet if it wasn't for the fact that I had my waterproof outer coat with me. Well, it is also transparent. Apparently, transparency seems to be in the trend now in this world. But practically speaking, that's not exactly important, is it?

Oh right. You might be wondering who I am.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Roland Conan. I am the heir of the Dzolayil Famiglia. Fifteen years old. Oh wait, please let me correct myself for I have attained the age of 16 today. I was brought up by my famiglia members in our household.

Back to whatever I was speaking about, let's continue with what happened, shall we?

Now go; walking down the memory lane...

An ordinary day, it was. But everyone seemed to make a big fuss out of it. It appears to be that my birthday is proclaimed as such a big deal. Every year they push themselves to create a grand celebration for my birthday.

But this morning, it was much grander than usual.

Aunt Carla tightened the sash around her weight as she gazed to the mirror. Inspecting her reflecting, she seemed to cheat herself by saying that she looked very young at that time. I laughed at her cute, childish nature inwardly but my quiet smile seemed to catch her attention. She called out to me loudly, "Roland, come here."

"Yes, Aunt Carla," I replied at once. My quick response reminded me of the time where I was taught by my parents that my responses should be quick and must not burden the other party. Though, mother told me that it was alright to get spoiled sometimes.

She led me to a room full of our other alive-and-found members of the famiglia. She told me to sit on a chair. I did as she ordered me to. She, then, showed me box-like shaped equipment, which I presumed was a computer. I observed that there was also Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Cindy there. Those two and Aunt Carla were as close as ever it seems. I stepped forward, moving closer to them.

"Roland Conan!" She shouted suddenly, like a general calling out to his troops.

"Yes, Aunt Stephanie!" I shouted back, my posture still being stiff as ever. My hands itched to form a salute like a soldier facing his superiors, but I withheld the temptation.

She took a deep breath and announced, "You are hereby the heir to the Cholayil Famiglia-"

"Yes, Aunt Stephanie. I know," I interrupted, not knowing she has not finished her sentence.

"-with only one condition left," she finished.

"Yes, I know, Aunt Stephan—Er, I beg your pardon?" I asked in surprise. Did I hear that wrong?

"You are going to be the person in charge of the Dzolayil Famiglia as soon as you finish the last condition," She repeated again.

I beg your pardon but I did hear that correctly. My doubt is what one condition? As far as I have known, this should be the time where I am officially in charge of my family. Every missions and tests I have gone through are passed with flying colours.

"You have to complete your last test...Err...more like mission," She said to me, sounding not so sure of what she is talking about either. A hand supported her chin, scratching her non-existent beard.

Mission: Find The GirlWhere stories live. Discover now