Take 3 - His butler - ACTION!

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//Take 3 - His butler - ACTION!//

On the multimedia section, there is the second cover I made. What do you think? (:

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Roland's POV:

My hand was being taken away by this strange red-head.

Oh, you might be wondering who she was? Pardon me but I do not quite know who. She's named Augustine Capello and she goes to the same academy as me, Camio Academy. Which is also where we are heading to right now.

She is different from mother, aunts, and the nannies at home. Different from Summer, Spring and Winter.

She is different because she is truly strange.

Humans are such interesting characters.

Or could it be just my imagination? I do not think so. I pondered for a while whether I was just feeling it because of my lack of exposure to the outside world.

"Here we are!" She exclaimed to me, raising her hands to the building.

"Oh," I said, simply while nodding my head to show that I understand that it is Camio.

"Hey, don't you feel anything like wow or amazing or something like that?" She asked me, nudging her elbow to my elbow. Do people always nudge each other like that while asking? I should keep in mind to research about that later.

"No, not really. I am sorry. I do not feel anything. What am I supposed to feel?" I asked. I am confused. Is this an unlucky day for me? I am being confused a lot.

"Eh? Seriously, Mr. Weirdo, did you come from outer space or something?" She asked, while slumping down her shoulders.

"Mr. Weirdo? It is Roland Conan," I corrected her. Maybe she heard my name wrong.

She sighed and slapped her palm onto her face while stating, "I know that. It is called a nickname dim-wit." She paused and then said, "Oh, I got a better one. How about 'Alien'?"

It took me some while to process the new information into my head. I explained my point of view to her, "I do not, if truth be told, mind 'Alien'. I like the sound of it. It basically means a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization. It is quite true so you're not wrong. You are rather sharp, Ms. Capello."

She looked at me as if she had gotten enough of me already. She sighed while muttering, "Seriously, you are bizarre."

I replied, "Thank you for the compliment, Ms. Capello."

"Oh, so you're being sarcastic now, young man?" She gritted her teeth.

"Not at all, Ms. Capello," I replied earnestly. "I am sorry if I troubled you to think I was being cynical. What should I do to be pardoned for my incompetence?"

She gasped in disbelief and then asked, "God, seriously? What is wrong with this guy?"

I answered, "Yes, I am serious and I do not think there is something wrong with me. My health is going good and steady."

She said to me in disbelief, "What the heck? Oh, forget it. Thanks for your information. Blah. blah, blah. Blah, blah. Blah, blah."

"Welcome," I answered. What is the meaning of the last statements she just spoken? Must be a language that I haven't heard of. To think I thought that I have already mastered every language on Earth, I'm still not capable enough. I will have to learn that later.

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