Take 7 - Guilty Conscience - ACTION!

240 24 16

Roland's POV:

"Ms. Augustine, you are disqualified. I dodged because I did not want to take any offences onward to you. I am not scared at all." I said composedly.

"Why so?" She asked back.

She seems infuriated. Very.

"You showed your slacks off on your last move remember?"I answered back to her question.

Seems like she forgot all about the fifth rule. Just as planned.

Abruptly she took a leap forward and aimed for my stomach.

Didn't she know that the event has ended?

She suddenly slipped up and I grab hold of her and made her go onto the top of me.

I wasn't in time to shield myself too.

Her head landed on my chest.

Like that time, we first met, it happened again.


She's all right.

I'm reassured.

I'm so relieved.

Then, unexpectedly, the back of my head hit something...sharp.

It hurts.

It is painful.

I don't remember anything after that.

My head hit hard on this hard, jagged up surface.


Everything went black.

"Where am I?" I woke up.

This is the...clinic.

The Camio Academy's clinic.

Why am I here?

Just now, was it a dream?

No, it happened before everything went blank.

I don't seem to remember anything.

...Except for some shouts from someone's voice.

It's so familiar.


Yes! It is that voice!

I turned back.

It was...Ms. Augustine's voice?

So, it was her, who was screaming so apprehensively.

"Yes. I woke u-"

This! This pain!

From my head.

It hurts.

I grabbed the back of my head.

There is something on it.

It seems like it is....a dressing?

"Don't talk, Ro!"

Ms. Augustine...

Wait. Isn't it the first time she called me Ro?

Somehow, I liked the 'Alien' nickname.

Never mind. I like this one supplementary.

It feels...immensely 'good'...I think.


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