Take 9 - Word Up! - ACTION!

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This is like my most favorite chapter!

Dedicated to @whatsupmic for... being the best! XD Check her out! (As in checking her stories out, okay? Don't get me wrong, LOL.)


Roland's POV:

"Really? You are so kind, Roland!" Spring said to me.

"You are over exaggerating, Spring. I just bought you a teddy bear for your birthday." I replied with a smile.

I know that we aren't supposed to have a 'favorite' sibling. However, I must admit. I do have a favorite. And that's Spring. Every big, older brother in the world would be envious of me once they found out the innocence and purity of Spring. It suits her name really well.

"Roland! Can you go to the convenience store?" Mom shouted from the back.

"Roger that, mom. What do you want me to buy?"I asked her. She seems to be busy making a ...pancake? Seems like dad is with her. Poor him. He needs to manage with her cooking skills.

"Uh....I forgot to buy the candles for the triplets' cake...So..."

"Okay, mom. I will be going soon!" I said as I stood up from the bonfire.

We are supposed to be living in our mansion but mom....She and dad said they don't want to think much that they are actually from a Familia. They said they wanted to live a normal life. Dad became a photographer. He was always into photography. Mom became a stylist. She always wanted to be one but because she is also the next in line from her Familia, she isn't allowed to. This way, both of them can relax. We are now living in a rented house with a big backyard for us to do some fun stuff.

I put on my sandals and opened the front gate. As I stepped outside, the Goth-girl, Summer hopped onto my back.

"What is it, Summer?" I asked.

And as expected, there was no reply. Oh wait. She gestured her eye towards...Winter.

"Bro, where are you going?" Winter asked, clutching her pink frilly dress.

"The convenience store. Mom wants some candles." I said as I smiled to them.

"Then, we are coming!"Winter said as she called onto Spring to follow us.

"But it is ,you three,...It is all of yours birthday! Relax."

"Sure. We are relaxing. But we also want to go!" Winter protest.

"Who is going to take care of mom and dad, then?" I asked them.

"They are adults, bro." Winter said with a dramatic face palm.

I argued, "Sure, they are. However-"

"I will stay back, Roland." Said a small, soft voice.

"...Are you sure, Spring?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Besides....I don't feel like walking" She said looking away from my gaze.

That was an obvious white lie.

As usual, she thinks of others prior to her desires.

I smiled, proud at her behavior.

"Well, we will be going then." I said as I walked away with Summer and Winter.

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