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"I left you the needle ready on the table." He said before shutting the front door in front of him.

He's been so distant since I pushed his hand away while we were on the floor and by far I'm loving it. I love how we live in the same house but act like strangers. As much as it hurts me, as much as I love it. Maybe that's what is best for the both of us. If ranting an apartment didn't cost money or if I had enough money for myself I would have been out of here, moving in my new apartment by now but sadly I'm stuck here with him.

Maybe it is true what I'm thinking, maybe it's true that I am moving on. What he did would make any girl never want to see his face again and he should be kissing my ass for letting him sleep in this house.

Actually I should be kissing his ass for letting me stay here because this is his apartment. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is that I hate him now and I'm moving on. It actually works loving someone too much that you feel like nothing is going to separate you from each other but one small thing happens breaks every bridge that links your hearts together.

I sighed and got up to get the needle that Jason left then walked back to the room. This became my spot and I barely leave it unless it's to eat or use the bathroom, other than that, not really.

I quickly inject the drugs in my system, I threw the needle across the room and laid back in bed. I stared at the ceiling for too long without anything in mind but my stare didn't last when my phone started to ring. My phones rings a lot more than it used to since I met David so it's too obvious that it's him. Without even looking, I know it is. He annoys the shit out of me caring so much! I don't want anyone to care about me so when I die, nobody gets sad. I giggled at how depressing my thoughts sound but I shook my head and got up to answer the phone.

I smiled proudly when I saw his name causing my phone to vibrate on the nightstand and grabbed it to answer.

"Hey." I said.

"High again." He said causing me to roll my eyes. "What is wrong with you?" He raised his voice causing me to raise my own eyebrows.

"Why do you even care, dude this is my body and I'm sorry if it fucking bother you so much doing something that doesn't even concern you." I sarcastically said.

I heard him sigh and somehow I could see him closing his eyes to not yell back. "Can you just please try to stop this shit?" He calmly ask.

"Oh hello. Welcome to the group of whom wants to help me!" I rolled my eyes for the second time and it hasn't even been a minute that I answered his call.

"You should be happy to have people around you willing to help you, Lindsay." He annoyedly said.

"It is none of your business what makes me happy and it is none of their business what I want to do with my life. I don't need their help. Nobody can help me if I'm not even needing the help!" I repeated my answer.

There was a small silence that caused me to look on the phone to make sure that he didn't hang up on me. I actually wouldn't be surprised. I would laugh.

I giggled again at what I was thinking and shook my head but my fun disappeared when I heard a knock on the door.

"Open the door." David said on the phone then hang up. I frowned and walked to the door and when I opened and found him behind it, I actually laughed out loud. "Can you tell me what makes you laugh that much? I mean, I would love to tag along."

"S-Sorry it's just...you were on the phone and then now you are right in front of me." I continued laughing. "What is actually funny is that you think your presence here is going to change anything or if it is going to change my mind about taking the only thing that makes me feel good in this fucked up life." I shook my head. "Listen here David, what you do whatever it is or whatever you will say will not make me stop so please save your energy and save my time."

Under control JB & JM ( #watty2017 )Where stories live. Discover now