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(Author note: if I got 5 votes today on that chapter, I will update again. Enjoy.)


Jason's point of view

"Jason, I'm sorry I-"

I interrupted "sorry? Damn you should be." I was pleased. I was so pleased to see whoever fucks with me on their knees, begging for my forgiveness while I held a gun to their head, ready to blow their skull off. "You know, Carlos, I am sorry for you too man," I said, scoffing. "I am sorry for what you will see from fucking with me fucker. You will regret even thinking about wanting to mess with me." I yelled.

"Please, Jason. I have people to take care of." He begged and I loved it.

"I'm sure you knew the consequences of fucking with me or you thought it was okay to steal my shit and run away from me." I kicked his side. "You thought I wouldn't find you? huh? Is that what you thought bitch?" I yelled.

"No," he stood up and faced me. It is getting interesting. "I stole your shit because I don't have your shit to live. I stole your shit because I thought that the money that I will get from it will make me somebody to make my mother proud of." I stood there watching the pussy cry his eyes out. "I stole your shit because without it I can't live."

"Easy, then you die." I said, helding my gun up, pointing it to his head, pressed down the trigger and got ready to shoot him.

I just feel bad. I won't see his pretty puppy eyes looking at me with tears again.

"You know what I really hate about killing you?" I thought why not just have a little fun with him first. "The fact that I will have to pay people to burn your body." I said and he looked at me with wide eyes. Yeah, bitch, that's what I like to see. "Actually, I would be pleased to do it myself. I would feel happy to ... you know, have my time to see you burn." I said.

"Don't you want to kill me?" He yelled, looking up at me. "Then kill me already!"

"No," I shook my head with a small grin in the corner of my mouth. His eyes along with everyone's in the room were confused. Everyone in the room knew that I wanted to kill him. "Killing you will make you rest in peace," watching his confused eyes wondering if I will really let him live or do something else that he doesn't even want to figure it out was really pleasing me. "I won't kill you, Carlos." I tapped his shoulder with my empty hand bringing his eyes to my hand and flinch a little. Don't worry, no need to flinch now. I will give you time for that. I chuckled while I lowering the gun from his head to his leg and I shoot once making him scream and fall on the ground, giving me time to just shoot the other. I bite my lip and watched him screaming and rolling on the floor as if I just drew a piece of art. "Now all you have to do is live in the pain of not being able to walk again...ever again," I said. "A small remembrance to remember me every time you try to stand up that you fucked with me."

I turned around to face my boys and some others that I don't know, I took the time to say "now you all saw what you get from fucking with me. From fucking with Jason McCann so you should all know better not to fuck with me." I yelled making Josh smirk from behind. I looked back down at Carlos growning before making my way out of his house, followed by Josh and the others.


"That was awesome," started Dominic. "A little bit intense but awesome."

"You shouldn't have done that Jason, you already got your shit." Harrison, the sweetheart said making Josh groan and Dominic leave the room while I and the other laughed.

"I don't know how you ended up here man because I think you're lost." I said, smiling. I was so happy to have my shit back.

"Shut up. It's bad what you do." He said. "He had a sick mother to take care of. Now, she has no one."

"Go take care of her yourself, sweetheart." Dominic answered chuckling causing us to grin.

Harrison just rolled his eyes and looked back down on his phone while Alex walked in the room and sat by Harrison, followed by Christian that walked in with beer cans and smiled.

"I thought we should celebrate that another mission with Jason went well!" He said and threw me one. I caught it and watched him do the same to all the other boys.

"Man what the fuck. I am not that tall." Said Alex when his can fell on the floor. We all owed him when he picked it up and started to drink from the hole in the can.

"Go, go, go, go, go." We all cheered.


Lindsay's point of view

It's only sadness I feel. It's only darkness I see. Tears chasing down my cheeks and there is no way of stopping them.

Is it like that Jason? Is it going to be like that? Will you leave again when I need you the most like you did four years ago? Will you stop being by my side when I left everything to be with you and gave up everyone for you? Why Jason? I honestly thought you'd be the one to be by my side and not make me regret being with you. At least not that fast. You left me and went to reconnect with the people I hate the most, the people that you told me that you'd rather be blind than see them ever again, the people that you promised me that you're done with them a really long time ago.

It's funny how promises nowadays are so meanness. How many promises he promised me and didn't keep? A lot more than I can count. All the words he told me got killed by his loud accident. At this point, I just hated everyone and everything. I hated doing anything and I was bored of living the same life every day. Wake up, smoke, sniff, drink, take all type of drugs then black out to wake up the next morning and restart the circle. I'm tired. I'm sick of the boredom that I'm living and the worst thing is that I'm living it alone.

The way I see Matthew and Kristina together and all over each other when I leave the room door a little bit open make me wonder why aren't we like them? Why isn't Jason like Matthew? They are both the same and even though they aren't really loyal, mentioning Matthew, they are always together and by each other which was something I needed but didn't find. Jason always put his work on top of me and it always has been a struggle for me to deal with and when he left them I was so happy. Should I even call Theo for help? There is this voice in my head that says there is no such a thing being clean just like Kris said. It also says that even if I'm clean, why would I be? I wouldn't mind sleeping and not waking up again, anyway I have nothing to take care of. The only one I had left, I never see anymore. He doesn't even call me, he doesn't even ask me if I'm still alive or dead, overdosing.

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