"Oh god ..." she groaned as she began to sway.

Luc was in front of her in seconds, grabbing her by the shoulders to stop her from falling forward.

"For fucksake," he sighed frustratedly. "Can you pull yourself together?"

He pushed her back down on the bed and ran his hand over his face.

"Sorry! It's just that I'm not used to having the blood drained out of me," she glared at him suddenly incredibly annoyed by him.

"Don't be so dramatic." He tutted. "If I'd drained you, I highly doubt you'd be alive to be giving me sarcasm."

"Right now I'd welcome death." She said massaging her temples. "It has to be better than this."

He didn't say anything but she could feel his eyes on her.

"Did you .... I mean, how much more did you take?"

"What?" He snapped.

"After I passed out," she said carefully. "How much more did you drink?"

He narrowed his eyes as his jaw muscles twitched. When he spoke, his voice was a low growl that set her on edge.

"Do you think this is the right time to piss me off?" He snarled. "After you been lying there in my bed for hours, preventing me from going to sleep?"

"Hours?" She repeated wide eyed.

"I didn't drink anything." He growled. "You passed out, I caught you and I put you in my bed. I never feed on a woman without her consent Justice."

Her cheeks reddened as he glared at her and immediate regret set in.

Stupid girl. Why would you accuse him?!

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ...."

She trailed off as he walked over to the dresser and grabbed a bottle of water before walking back and thrusting it into her hand.

When she took it, he looked at her expectantly and she opened it pushing the bottle to her lips.

"Drink it, and get out." He barked.

She flinched but didn't dare defy him, gulping it down when she realized how thirsty she was.

When he saw the bottle was empty, he snatched it out of her hand and pitched it across the room before grabbing her wrist, again more gently than she expected him to, and walking her to the door.

Opening it, he urged her outside and let go of her, slamming the door in her face.

She stood there, blinking at the shut door in front of her while she inwardly kicked herself.

Great, she'd offended him.

Why did she have to open her mouth? Of course he hadn't drank from her. Despite all that he was, a part of her knew that Luc wasn't the monster he made out to be. She knew that now, from the way he'd touched her. The way he'd kissed her ...

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