Chapter 21: Property of Luc

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Justice sat by herself in the far corner wishing she could be anywhere but in that room.

Luc had made such a big deal out of escorting her to the etiquette class but as soon as they'd entered the hall, he practically acted as if she was a stranger.

Annoyed, she huffed and folded her arms as she watched him across the room. She'd managed to sit in a position that made it easy for her to watch him without it being too obvious that she was looking at him.

He was stood with a bunch of other men, all painstakingly handsome and all, Justice noted, were looking at him with pure admiration and just a smidgen of intimidation. She noticed that Luc didn't speak often, but when he uttered the odd sentence, they seemed to hang on to his every word.

Behind them, was a small group of women who were doing their best to get the men's attention without outwardly asking for it. Every now and again they would burst into loud and obnoxious laughter causing the men's (but surprisingly, not Luc's) head's to turn towards them. Once they'd achieved that, they'd start with their hair flickering and eyelash fluttering, sporting sickeningly sweet smiles that were enough to turn Justice's stomach.

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed to herself and turned back in her seat.

"Not your scene?" A voice said behind her. Startled, Justice looked over her shoulder to see a frizzy haired blonde girl perched up on the window sill with a book in her hand. She had on a ripped band tee and twice as ripped jeans with a pair of very worn chucks on her feet. Justice looked down at her fitted midi dress and cursed Ava under her breath.

"They're not my type of people either," The girl quickly licked her index finger and flipped the page. "A little too stuck up for my liking."

Justice found herself nodding in response, then quickly stopped herself, remembering that she was probably going to be spending a lot of time with these people.

The girl looked up and chuckled. "It's alright, I'll keep your secret if you keep mine?"

Slamming the book shut, she swung her legs off the sill and hopped down, taking the seat next to Justice.

"You don't say much do you?" She smirked. "What's your name?"


"Aaah," She nodded knowingly. "So you're Justice .."

"Why does it sound as if you've heard about me before?" She asked dryly.

"You're only the talk of the town." She leaned back stretching her arms behind her head. "It's big news ya know? One of the royal 3 is being married off, so that only leaves 2 of them for our mothers to try and match us up with."

Justice laughed a little. "And if that doesn't work out?"

The girl nodded in the direction of the group of men. "Then one of the rich losers who wish they were royalty." Sticking out her hand, the girl introduced herself. "I'm Ana, by the way."

"Nice to meet you."

The two of them smiled at each other and then that was it. Ana didn't stop talking after that. Not that it bothered Justice. It was easier for her that way. She found it easier to respond to conversation rather than start it.

The only time Ana stopped speaking was when the door to the hall opened and Valentina waltzed in with a girl Justice had never seen before.

She took her in. Clear, porcelain like skin. Long, wavy hair that cascaded down her back. Sharp grey eyes that quickly scanned over the room before stopping to gaze in one particular direction. And plump rosy lips that broke out into a breath taking smile as she ran across the room.

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