.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Thirty

Start from the beginning

"Your lipstick's smeared." She told me. Ugh. This was exactly why I never wore lipstick. I hated make up. It was so pointless. 

I opened my mouth to say something then shut it. She wiped the smeared part off with her thumb and wiped her hand on her arm. Then, with a smile almost as huge as Jake's, she asked. "So, are you two going out now? I mean, obviously, you made out."

I scoffed. "Pfft. Made out? You're crazy. Where did you - what - no. Psh. Yeah right." I snorted. Ugh, I had to be a bad liar at that moment? It didn't matter, because within seconds, I totally broke down. "Okay. I told him I loved him. Then we kissed, like, four times. But, we didn't really make plans for a date, because your brother interrupted us."

From behind, Jackson asked. "What?" How many people were going to sneak up behind me today? I mean, seriously.

I turned around, "Well, um...I told him." 

For a moment, his expression was impossible to read, but he then grinned as if he was happy for me. But, the smile faltered, so I figured it was fake. "That's great, Kat! You two'll have a great life together!" Um, why was he talking like Colby and I were getting married? I was only freaking eighteen. And, unlike Bella, I'm not getting married at a young age. I serious need to cut it out with Twilight references. 

I heard a familiar voice yell, "You!" It was coming somewhere from the right of me, so obviously I glanced over there. Alina was coming at me, with Ashley and Tina following close behind. Alina grabbed my ear and pulled me away from Jackson, who just rose his eyebrow before mumbling something like, "Girls. So weird," then walking away. 

Alina squealed with a huge grin, "You - you were kissing him! God, don't you love school dances?" I guessed she knew I was gonna ask how the hell we knew, because she started talking again. "Jake came up and told Blake, then Blake told me, then I came to you! Because I need to know details. How long was the kiss? How many kisses were there? Did clothes start coming off-" 

"Um, I don't know. Like, four. And no. Freak." I answered, shaking my head. I didn't ask her all this stuff about Blake and her, did I? No. 

Tina's grin began to fade as she looked over my shoulder. Alina seemed to notice whatever she was staring at, too, because she began to scowl. I rose my eyebrow. There must have been someone behind me. Of course. The next person who comes up from behind, I'm going to slap. Well, probably. 

I turned around, frowning when I saw Skyler. Didn't I tell him to stay the hell away from Tina? He said he would! But I began to notice that he was breathing hard, his lip was bleeding, and beads of sweat were coming down his forehead. 

If I hadn't noticed this fact, I would have told him to get the hell away from my little sister before I kill him, but instead I asked. "What's wrong?!" 

He doubled over, coughing, with his hands set on his knees. After he got control of himself, he looked back up at me, avoiding Tina's eyes. "R - Riley. He's outside." 

Ashley asked. "What?! Why?" I guess she still hated his guts over what he did to her. Couldn't blame her. If a guy beat the crap out of me, I'd want him dead. 

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