.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

I scowled at her. "You're just lucky Courtney would kill me to death if I got a wrinkle on this dress. Or else I'd be on you like - like, um...Like something goes on something. I don't know. Ugh, that sounded weird, didn't it? Anyway, Colby isn't my firetrucking boyfriend!" 

"Kill you to death?" Dad asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

I nodded, "Uh-huh. Don't ask. You'd think by now, you'd learn not to question me."

The doorbell rang, so I was getting up to open it, but Mom just shook her head and went to the front door herself. Good. I wanted more time to rest before I had to stand all day. Thank God Courtney agreed to let me wear just converse. High heels would have killed me. Speaking of my best friend, I heard her say, "Hey, Mrs. Blakeslee! Ugh. Sorry. I mean...Whatever. Hi." I almost expected Mom to say something about not being a Blakeslee anymore, but I guess she didn't have to since Court corrected herself. Sort of.

Mom lead her to the living room. Courtney looked freaking awesome in that white dress. Way better than I did, in my opinion. She smiled at us. "Ready to go?"

Alina asked, frowning. "But, where's Blake?"

"Oh God." She sighed. "He kept changing his mind about his hair, I guess. That's what Colby told me. He said that Blake couldn't decide whether to have it messy, have his usual hair, or put it up. My cousin's such a girl sometimes." Courtney rolled her eyes, smiling. "He should be here soon."

I tilted my head to the side a little, "What about Colby?" I scowled. "Is he going with anybody?" 

"Oh, he's driving there with Conan. He didn't say he was going with anyone." Courtney paused, like she was checking to see if she remembered right, then nodded. "I'm pretty sure he isn't going with anyone. He's loners like us! It's actually shocking. He'll probably be there before us, actually. Come on. The limo driver guys waiting."

Tina stared at her. "You got a limo?!"

"Er, well, Colby and Conan kinda rented it for me. I have no idea why. Thank God they didn't have Jake be the driver. He'd probably kill us."

Alina asked, "Where is Jake, anyway?"

"He drove there alone. I thought he'd want to go with Colby and Conan, but no. I'll never figure out what happens in my stupid twin brothers head." She smirked. "Come on! Alina, we'll see you there."

 Tina and I stood up, waved to Alina, then hugged and said bye to our parents. Still, it was weird to see them in the same house. Hopefully, one day, it'd be normal to see them in the same house again. I mean, when I grew up and got married to Colby, they had to come over together for - Did I say marry Colby? Pfft. I meant the cheese. Um, yeah...I plan on marrying cheese.

God, I'm dumb.

Anyway, in the limo, it was silent for the first few minutes, right until Courtney pretty much blew up with excitement. "Omigod. It's senior prom. I feel so old. Like Katherine's 'lucky shoes!'"

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