Chapter 7

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Layla was still standing in the corner drinking water. She could see Seth and Courtney talking, kids making out, guys cheering for their friends who were having a chugging competition. Layla felt anxious, uncomfortable even. She didn't want to be there, she wanted to watch SPN, in her pjs, wrapped in her spn blanket. Just then someone grabs her drink.

Layla: Hey!
Jay: what are you drinking?
Layla: it's called water.
Jay: oh haha.
Layla: I don't want to get drunk. Now give me my water!

Jay then dumps Layla's water over her head, Layla then kicks Jay in the groin, she then leaves the party with Jay hot on her trail.

Layla: leave me alone!
Jay: come on it was a joke!
Layla: You are so fucking stupid Jay! No wonder you're fucking dumb! You're addicted to drugs like your parents!

Jay hated that. He despised his parents. He hated them with his whole being.

Jay: look I'm sorry, can I get you a drink?
Layla: fine. Only one.

Jay and Layla went back to the party, Jay got Layla her drink and he got her more

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