I need a favor

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It's been a month. A month since I said 'I do', a month since I've put a ring on someone's finger, a month since Preeti became my wife, a month since things in my house have changed, a month since Preeti started acting weird. It doesn't faze me that Preeti had been a bit off since the day after our wedding. My parents treat her better than they ever treated me and I could care less about that. But the past week, she's been MIA almost every single day. I'm worried about her, she's like my best friend. Yeah. I know, sounds weird cause we're married but it's true. So currently I'm trying to pry it out of her. She's finally taken some time to spend with me, just me... Alone.
"Raj" she says running the brush through her long shiny hair.
"Haan" I respond watching the sun slowly start to go down.
"I'm in love" she said placing the brush on her vanity. I spun around so quick I had to grab my pounding head.
"What?" I said closing my eyes tightly.
"Haan, I'm in love" she said and I opened my eyes. She stood up and walked over to me.
"Don't worry Raj," she started. "I can explain" she took my hand and sat me on the bed.
"The day after we got married... I got a phone call. It was from my ex, he was going on and on about how he wanted me back. I told him we would meet and we did. He told me that he wasn't happy I got married and wants me back, I love him Raj... Please don't be mad" she said close to tears at the end of her small speech. I was shocked that she was seeing someone while married to me... But then again... I only agreed to the marriage to help her out.
"So what do you want me to do?" I sighed.
"File for divorce" she said closing her eyes and letting a tear escape.
"That all?" I said and it came out harsher then I wanted it to but I was a bit angry. I did want to try and make things work for us but she wants me to file for divorce.
"Please don't be mad" she said in a pleading tone.
"I'm not" I said standing up and walking to the door but she grabbed my wrist.
"I'm sorry Raj" she said releasing her grip.
"Don't be." I said turning around and walking out of the bedroom and into the hallway. I took a deep breath before heading down the stairs and to the study. My parents spent a lot of time in their with work and shit like that. In I walked and they looked happy to see me but didn't.
"Mom... Dad..." I started and they dropped everything to listen to me.
"Haan beta" my mom said in a motherly voice while my dad took his glasses off and placed them on his desk.
"Preeti wants to file for divorce, and I won't fight with her about it. She loves someone else. Sorry, but please just help fulfill her wishes." I said and turned around and walked out of the study.
"Raj!" Divya yelled from behind me but I kept walking.
"Raj!" I heard Arush yell. I quickened my pace and was so close to the door.
"Raj!" Geeta yelled and pulled my shoulder turning me around.
"What!" I yelled and all my siblings looked at me sadly.
"Please try and understand Preeti" Kabir said giving me a pleading look.
"I do understand. She's in love with someone else, and I'm a complete failure in life." I shouted feeling tears pricking my eyes. "So if you wouldn't mind, will you please leave me the fuck alone?" I yelled and made some of my sisters wince. I opened the front door and slammed it shut behind me. I heard it open again as I walked angrily to my car. The night was now upon me and I wasn't happy driving in the dark but I needed to breathe. I couldn't even handle a marriage. I couldn't do anything right in this house! I put the key in the ignition and saw  my parents, siblings, and now soon to be ex wife watching as I started to pull out of the long driveway. I drove and drove and drove, not looking back once. I didn't want to go back. My life was already a shit pile, going back would make things worse. I can't believe I really thought I could get married and have a normal life. I was angry. Angry that I've failed to do something right. Angry that I had so much bad luck. I found myself running low on gas and stopped at a gas station. As I waited for the tank to be full, I made a plan. A plan to take matters into my own hands and show that I can do something right. I grabbed my phone from the cup holder which was ringing, Preeti was calling me. I declined the call and saw that every single sibling had texted me at least three times maybe even more. I dialed my friend who was a lawyer, and was about to take things into my own hands.
"Hello Raj, how are you man" Ryan said happily into the phone.
"I need a favor Ryan" I said
"Sure what's up man?" He said changing his tone a bit.
"I need you to get me divorced without going to court, and I need it done in a week." I said sternly into the phone.
"Look Raj, something of that sort isn't really... Possible... Get what I'm saying?" He said in his work voice.
"I don't, but name a price. Any price, and I think we'll both be satisfied."
How was the chapter?? Anyway, Raj's family is up there so go take a look and get an idea of who is who😄❤️ New update soon, love you guys😊💖💫

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