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It was wrong. I shouldn't have done it. I cursed myself as I drove to this destination. My phone blowing up with messages from everyone asking where the hell I was. I just kept driving, and driving. Then I reached a house... Not a house a mansion. The driveway was long and beautiful, I parked my car behind a white BMW. I got out of the car and walked to the beautiful wooden  doors. I took a deep breath in and rang the doorbell. Seconds later a girl appeared, she had long hair and really pretty eyes. She was wearing a saree that was very eye catching. She smiled at me.
"Hi... How can I help you?" She said keeping her smile.
"I need to know what business you have with Raj A. Malhotra." I said getting right to the point. Her smile dropped and she looked at me serious.
"Meera?" She said hesitantly.
"How do you know my name?" I asked feeling my heart start to race.
"He talks about you a lot" she said looking down at her feet.
"Why does he meet with you?" I said furrowing my eyebrows. She looked up at me and concern was written on her face.
"He hasn't told you... Has he?" She said playing with the fabric of her saree.
"What do you mean?" I said choking on my words. She immediately changed her posture and she put a smile back on.
"I'm sorry, we can't share that information" she said politely.
"What do you mean we? Just tell me." I said getting angry.
"Sorry, we can't give out client information." She said. As I was about to speak, another girl came up behind her.
"He's on his way" the girl said and then walked away.
"What's your name?" I blurted out.
"Pooja, Pooja Singh" she said and smiled.
"Have a great day" she said and closed the door. I didn't get the answers I came for, but I did know that Raj came here. What I need to know now, was why? Why he's seeing her. I got in my car and decided to go to the apartment. My head racing with questions, as I stopped at an intersection I was looking at the cars. One car caught my eye, it was Raj's car. I felt my heart shatter as I saw him and Preeti sitting in the car looking happy. Too happy. Laughing. The light turned and I watched as his car sped right past mine. Tears blurred my vision as I made a u turn. I had to know where he was going. I had to get my answers. Luckily, a blue car separated mine and Raj's. I followed and shortly we reach Pooja's mansion. He pulled in and I circled around until the coast was clear. I parked my car behind his and didn't care. At this point I was mad... Or just jealous. When I circled and waited for the coast to be clear I saw Raj walking hand and hand with Preeti to the door. Then when Pooja answered he kissed her on the cheek and gave her a hug. He has some explaining to do. No, he has a lot of explaining to do! I slammed my car door shut and angrily walked to the door. I rung the door bell maybe... 100 times until Pooja appeared. Her smile was far from appearing and in fact she had a shocked and scared facial expression on.
"M...M...Meera" she stuttered out.
"I know he's here, you better tell me now" I said angrily.
"Pooja!" I heard Raj yell. Seconds later he came running over still holding Preeti's hand. The second he saw me his smile dropped and he released his hand from Preeti's.
"Meera?" He said looking at me in disbelief. I was angry. Angry enough to just explode and yell at him until my face turned blue. Instead I pushed past Pooja and right up to Raj slapping him. Hard enough that it echoed through the room.
"Raj!" Preeti said cupping his cheek in his hand.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Preeti said glaring at me.
"What the hell is wrong with me? Really? I'm not the one who is going around with someone else's boyfriend" I said getting up in her face.
"What the hell!" Preeti yelled.
"Yeah, don't act like I'm stupid." I laughed out at her. He face was priceless.
"Enough!" Pooja said breaking the anger. Raj still stood frozen as Preeti tried to comfort him. I felt pure jealousy as she touched him.
"You need to leave" Pooja said. I couldn't believe that she had the nerve to tell me to leave when she had something to do with my Raj.
"Yeah right" I scoffed.
"Can't you see your just ruining his life again?" Preeti said taking her hand off Raj's hand and placing it on her hip while she looked at me angry.
"How am I ruining his life? He's ruining his own life by seeing two other girls while being with one." I yelled again getting in her face.
"You don't have proof, Raj would never do that to you!" Pooja said close to tears.
"You don't have any idea what I'm going through, so he'll speak or I'll leave his life forever" I said gritting my teeth. I didn't want to leave but if I wasn't getting answers, it was my only choice. As I was about to get into Pooja's face, Raj fell to the floor and covered his face with his hands. I heard his sobs fill the air and my heart broke.
"Raj" Pooja said falling after him and holding him in her arms.
"See what you did" Preeti said looking up from Raj to me, she had fresh tears falling from her eyes and turned away from me in disgust. I was completely dumbfounded on why Raj was breaking down. I was also very angry at Preeti, but not so much as Pooja. After a good 4 minutes Raj gathered himself together and stood up. His eyes red and his cheek where I slapped him a light shad of pink. He walked out of Pooja's arms and past Preeti. He stopped in front of me and stared at me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and he was shaking. Shaking like a dog.
"I'll tell you what you want to know" he said blinking away his fresh forming tears. I shook my head and he intwined our fingers together.
"This way" Pooja said and Preeti followed next to her with Raj and I behind them. We walked to a room on the second floor that looked like a library. It had book shelfs on each wall and a sofa and desk in the middle of the room. Pooja closed the door behind us and walked over to the desk. She sat in the chair behind the desk and motioned us to sit on the sofa in front of her. Raj sat himself in the middle and Preeti was on his left side while I was on his right side. Pooja put on a pair of glasses and pulled a file out of her desk.
"You may begin"

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