Tears and Pain

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In front of me stood Preeti. Why she was here, I couldn't tell you. She had a bandage wrapper in her hand and dried tears on her face.
"Preeti?" I said swallowing hard.
"Why are you here" she said leaning against the door frame with disgust in her eyes.
"I need to speak to Raj." I said as another tear fell from my face.
"You just ruined his life again, you know?" She said as tears formed in her eyes.
"What do you mean again?" I said feeling my heart breaking.
"He's in the bedroom, ask him yourself" She said grabbing her bag from the floor and walking past me. I walked in and slammed the door shut. I stopped in the living room seeing his Kurta lying on the floor. My heart rate sped up and I walked in the direction of the bedroom. I reached the door and slowly opened it. I looked up and saw Raj sitting on the side of the bed with his back facing me.
"Raj?" I said walking closer to the bed.
"Why" he said through his soft cries.
"Raj, I wanted to tell you" I said in a pleading tone and stopping in front of him.
"What is he to you?" Raj said sadness still filled in his voice. I felt myself unable to speak and watched as Raj lifted his head with anger plastered on it.
"I said, who is he to you!" He said glaring at me.
"My ex fiancé" I stuttered out. His expression got worse as he stood up. He glared down at me.
"And when were you gonna tell me?" He said grabbing my arms tightly. A tear fell down his angry face as he held me tightly.
"I....I... I don't know" I said missing eye contact with him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He said as the anger I his tone came down a bit. He dropped to his shoulders and rested his head against my forehead.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He said again but this time crying.
"I thought you would leave me, I thought you wouldn't love me the same anymore" I said through my small cries. His forehead lifted from mine and anger was filled in his face again. He turned around away from me and started walking towards the door.
"See? I knew you would leave me" I cried out. He stopped and turned around looking at me.
"Your the one girl I've ever loved! The one girl I would die for! The one girl who's changed me! And you think id leave you?! I can't! Because I love you so much god damn it!" He yelled in sadness.
"Let's just get away from this place!" He said running up to me placing his hands on my waist.
"Just run away, you and me" he said hope filling his eyes.
"Raj..." I started but he cut me off by laughing.
"You love him? Don't you?" He said tightening his grip on my arms.
"Raj..." I said trying to wriggle my way out of his grip. It was starting to hurt.
"Raj... Raj!" I yelled and he released me.
"I can't, I can't do this Meera." He said crying. He turned around again and this time wasn't stopping. I heard the door slam shut, and my knees gave out. I fell to the ground and let my sobs fill the apartment. I couldn't explain the pain I felt in my heart. The one person in the world who brought light back into my life, left me alone in our apartment. The first person I loved showed up to claim me two years after he left me standing at the alter. I looked at the ground which was now glowing. I realized that in the process of our little crying fest Raj's phone dropped out of his pocket. It was glowing. I reached over and grabbed it. I wasn't the type to go through my boyfriends phone but something told me to. Told me to look at least once at the millions of incoming texts. I flipped over his phone and looked at the millions of texts he was receiving. I scrolled through them not bothering to read them. The very bottom text caught my eye and I had to read it.


It's that time again! When do you want to come over? I have big news!

The text left me wondering, wondering who she was. Why she was texting my Raj. What he was doing with another girl. I felt my heart aching. Aching in pain. I sobbed out my feelings and heard the door open. I threw the phone on the ground and brought my knees to my head and closed out my surroundings. Then I heard a voice.

My one true love... (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora