Take it easy

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I woke up to sound of a beeping machine. My eyes fluttered open as I looked around the white room. Machines next to me and I was lying in the bed. I had IV's in my arms and a tube thing in my nose. I felt excruciating pain in my left shoulder it was painful. I blinked again adjusting to the rest of room and saw Meera. She was pacing around the room and looked so worried. Her parents sat in a chair across the room and watched as their daughter panicked.
"Meera" I said and her pacing stopped and her head flew in my direction. She rushed over to me and I looked at her saree, It had blood on it. She sat next to me as I raised the bed to be eye level with her.
"Your so stupid!" She shouted before collapsing into my arms and sobbing. I didn't want her to know I was in pain so I held my breath as I embraced her. She cried hard and loud while I ran my fingers through her perfect hair. She released her arms around me and I wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks. I placed a kiss on her forehead and she smiled just a bit. Her parents walked over to the bed and stopped at the side.
"Thank you." He mother said as tears sprung to her eyes.
"You saved our lives." Her father said in a surprisingly nice voice.
"I wouldn't want Meera to lose such amazing parents." I said smiling and her father had sadness on his face.
"I'm sorry for how I treated you the other day." He said in a reassuring voice.
"Your just a father looking out for your daughter, it happens." I said making him chuckle. The doctor walked in looking through her clipboard.
"Mr Raj Malhotra, you are going to be ready to discharged by tomorrow." She said looking up from her clipboard and smiling.
"Thank you Doctor." I said returning the smile as jealousy reached Meera.
"I just need to check your blood pressure, okay?" She said walking over and doing exactly what she said. Meera clung onto my hand as the doctor touched my arm.
"BP normal..." She mumbled as she scribbled in her clipboard.
"Okay, if you need anything call." She said smiling and walking out of the room. Meera glared at her as she exited. I moved Meera's face to me as she finally stopped glaring and smiled.
"I love you, and only you." I said squeezing her hand. It was true, I have never actually loved someone. She was my first and last love, I will love only her till the day I die.
"Raj, once your out of the hospital... We would like to get to know you better." Her mother said and her father smiled.... He smiled!
"Sure." I said smiling and they walked out of the hospital room. Meera stared at me and I smiled.
"I thought I lost you." She said as a tear escaped her eyes.
"But you didn't, I'm right here." I said smiling weakly and wiping the tear away. She smiled and took the chance to kiss me. Meera had a way of making me forget the world around us. The very first time I ever held her hand I felt like someone just shocked me with one of those shock pens. The way she kissed me made me feel like never before. She was all mine, no matter what happens she will be mine.
I left the hospital and went straight to our apartment. I decided to take a shower and change. I had an excuse to throw that ugly saree out, no way I would be able to get all that blood out.  I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and didn't know what to do. Raj wasn't home. I didn't have a job. Gina was busy with her son. What the hell was I supposed to do? I walked around the house for a while before deciding that I would spend the rest of the day trying to find a job. There wasn't much left to the day but I made myself cereal and looked at some jobs suitable for me. I stayed up until 4:30 am looking for a job and thinking about Raj. I fell asleep on the couch and before I knew it I was awake and it was time to pick up Raj at the hospital. I arrived at 11:45 and he was being checked one last time. The second he saw me he smiled and his face lit up. I helped him get in the car and out of the car. He was having a lot pain and that showed. We got into the apartment and he took the medicine they prescribed him. I cleaned up the mess I made last night while he shuffled back and forth through the apartment. As I finished picking up he grabbed my hand and walked into the bedroom. He was able to pick me up and place me in the bed. He crawled a top of me and smiled.
"The doctor said to take it easy." I said running my hand through his hair.
"So?" He said giving me that look that says 'I'll do what I want'
"Raj you need-" I started but he cut me off my kissing me. I tried fighting it at first but then gave in. He had a way of making me do what he wants when he wants it. I wrapped my arms around him and brought him closer to me. We molded our bodies together and just kissed. I knew I should've fought better but he weakens me, I should be taking it easy on him... But no. We are lying here having a make out session. I rolled a top of him making him flinch a bit. I gave him one last kiss before jumping up and laying next to him.
"It feels good to be home." He sighed out and wrapped his arm around me.
"I love you Raj" I said placing my hand where his heart is and smiling.
"I love you too" he said back. His breathing slowed down and I realized he had fallen asleep, since I hadn't gotten much sleep last night I followed his steps and found myself sleeping in his arms yet again.

My one true love... (COMPLETE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt