New Friendship

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I walked into work wearing a pencil skirt and a lace top. I walked straight to my boss's office and was nervous.
"Come in." I heard from the other side of the door. I walked in and sat in the chair in front of his desk. He looked up from his paperwork and stared at me for a second before clearing his throat.
"Mrs. Sharma..." He started.
"Yes sir." I said unsure.
"Your one of our best working marketing managers..." He spit out.
"Thank you sir." I said dropping my shoulders a bit.
"But... We cannot keep you here anymore." He said placing his folded hands on the desk and staring at me.
"What... What do you mean sir?" I asked in a shaky voice.
"We are getting new trainees and marketing managers that are only the best, we won't be needing you anymore." He said placing his glasses back on his face. I sat there for a minute in shock.
"Your fired, you may leave." He said looking to the door then looking back at his paperwork. I slowly stood up and walked to the door. I was fighting tears as I walked out of my building and to my car. I placed my work stuff in the trunk and drove home. As I reached the apartment building my tears finally fell from my eyes. I parked my car and walked inside not even bothering to get my work stuff. I walked up the stairs to my apartment and I bumped into Raj who was walking down the stairs. I looked up at him with fresh tears falling from my eyes and he looked worried.
"Kya Hua?" He said pointing to my tears.
"I got fired from work today." I said through my tears.
"Oh... I'm so sorry." He sighed.
"It's not your fault." I said wiping tears from my eyes. He placed his hand out in front of him like when I first met him.
"I'll offer my hand in friendship, you could use a friend in times like this." He said smiling at me. A small smile etched across my face and I wiped my tears away.
"No more bickering?" I asked.
"Maybe a little, friends bicker." He chuckled. I put my hand out and shook his.
"Friends." He said smiling again.
"As much as I'd love to stay I've got to run." Raj said.
"It's okay, see you." I said and he rushed past me. It was like he had to get out of there to save his life! Now we are friends... Funny. One day you can absolutely hate a guy and the next, be his friend. I walked up to my apartment and walked in, I bought this place and planned to keep paying for it but now I don't know how. I'm jobless. I walked around my apartment and let some tears fall from my eyes when I thought about losing my first home that I worked hard for. I couldn't and wouldn't move back in with my parents! I can't even tell them I lost my job or else my mom would be over here right now packing my stuff to move back home. I gathered my thoughts and walked to the kitchen. I spent the whole day moping around and doing nothing.  I started to doze off at about 8:30 and didn't see the storm that waited up ahead of me...

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