The Nightmare

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"What do you think?" I said placing my cup of coffee on the table next to me.
"I think he sounds like a really sweet guy who can also be an asshole." Gina replied.
"But why is he so... Rude?" I said in a questioning  tone.
"He's a guy, what do you expect?" Gina said raising her eyebrows.
"Then how the hell do you deal with Akash." I asked
"I drink" she said laughing. I laughed along and we sat just catching up. She surprised me by visiting. She was also wondering why I wasn't at work too and I explained the whole thing.
"So he saved you?" She said smirking.
"Yes, and got beat to shit too!" I said thinking about the other night and how scary it was. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my door. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it slightly and saw Raj, I opened
the door fully and he looked up at me.
"You left this in my car." He said pulling out my ring from college. I took it from his hands and put it back on my finger. I hadn't realized it was gone till now.
"Thanks." I said smiling at my ring.
"No problem." He said and turned around. He stopped and turned back to face me. He smirked.
"First I left my hoodie in your apartment, then you left your ring in my car... What's next?" He chuckled.
"I don't know, but I will one of these days repay you for lunch and saving me." I said crossing my arms.
"I bet you won't." He said giving me a snarl.
"Bet I will." I said with sass.
"It's a bet." He said placing his hand in front of me.
"Deal." I said shaking his hand. He smirked and walked into his apartment closing the door behind him. I laughed and walked back inside and Gina was standing right in front of me making me jump.
"So that's Raj?" She said raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah." I said moving past her and back to the sofa.
"He's cute!" She squealed and sat next to me.
"Your married." I said taking a sip of my coffee.
"True, but I'm not dead." She said laughing. She always had a way of making me smile a bit more and making everything fun. We sat around the whole day just talking. At about 5ish she left to pick up her son from daycare. I made myself some dinner and ate in peace. After eating I cleaned up the mess and went to take a shower. I hopped in and let the cold water run down my hair to my spine. I was worried, my boss needed to speak to me tomorrow at work and I'm worried I'll be fired. As I gathered up my thoughts I jumped out of the shower. I wrapped my self up in a towel and put my pajamas on. As I walked into my bedroom my phone started ringing. I picked it up and my mom was calling. Of course.
"Hey mom."
"Betee, how are you?" She said sadly down the phone.
"Fine ma, que?" I asked.
"There was a huge brawl outside of your apartment about two days ago, it was all over the news." My mom said and my heart dropped. Two days ago was when I was saved...
"Brawl? Do you know who was involved?" I asked hesitantly down the phone.
"Can't remember his name, but he saved a family." My mom said in a bored tone into the phone. He. Another guy saved a family. Wow.
"Did anything happen with you?" My mom asked sacred down the phone. Yeah mom, I was almost raped and killed because I wouldn't give a goon money.
"Nope," I lied.
"Good, your father and I want to visit..." She started but I cut her off.
"No ma, I'll visit soon but I don't want you guys here. I have to go, I've got work tomorrow." I said.
"Okay betee, love you." She said and hung up. I crawled into my bed and turned off my side lamp. I snuggled into the soft cozy sheets and dozed off into some sleep.

******Meera's Dream******
"Haan baby, I'll see you tomorrow." He said down the phone in a loving tone.
"Love you." I said
"Love you more." He said and hung up the phone. My head hit the pillow and I fell asleep. Seconds later I was awaken by my mom shaking me awake. I sat up and rubbed my eyes still filled with sleep.
"Aren't you excited?!" She yelled into the morning.
"For?" I said yawning.
"Your wedding!" She said and the words made my eyes fly open. A smile etched across my face and I flew out of bed. I threw on my special  saree and did my hair and makeup. I went downstairs and waiting for me were my aunt and cousins ready to do my henna. We played music as they applied loads and loads of beautiful designs on my hands. I sat an hour after they applied the henna and then washed it off. It was perfect. I finished getting ready and put my bridal outfit on. Time was flying and the auspicious hour was upon us. I sat waiting for him to come and get married to me. To take me away and be claimed as his. I waited, and waited... And waited... And waited. Soon people became inpatient and left. My heart started to break, the auspicious hour passed and he wasn't here. I looked up at the entrance again and his brother entered. I stood up hopeful he would walk in after his brother. But it was just his brother.
"He's not coming." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"He will not be marrying you, I'm sorry Meera." He said sadly and walked away. I let the tears I was holding back fly from my eyes and I felt my legs go weak. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. The first man I ever loved left me standing at the alter. I ran into the house and tore my clothes up and burned them. I cried myself to sleep, then I heard something going off.


I jumped up from my bed and looked around, I was in my bed. In my apartment. I looked down at my hand, no engagement ring. It was only a dream... A very real dream... A very real nightmare... A truth I still can't forget... A very scary and sad day that still haunts me...

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