Crunch-a-fy Me Captain

533 18 7

Sollux walked through the run down store, squinting against the surgical level lighting reflecting off the white tiled floor before he pulled out a phone to shoot a text to Eridan.

Sent: 12:58 am

why am ii here again

Received: 1:04 am

i need some decent cereal and you don't havve shit

With an annoyed glare, he put his phone away and trudged to the cereal aisle. The only sound of the store was the faint buzz of the lights and the soft swishswishswish of his pajama pants brushing against the floor. After about 5 minutes of pacing through the aisle and staring blankly at the cereal boxes that seemed to blur together to his tired eyes, he pulled out his phone again.

Received: 1:10 am

havve you found it yet

Sent: 1:10 am


Sent: 1:10 am

ii don't even know what iim lookiing for

Received: 1:12 am

captain crunch

The phone was unceremoniously shoved back into his pocket and he grabbed the shirt cereal and made his way to the check out. Eridan definitely owed him big time for this.

On the way home, he thought up several angry things to say to the man in question. How dare he make Sollux get up at one in the god damn morning to buy him cereal? It was downright unresonable. Once he had parked in his driveway, he stormed inside with the box in hand and mouth open, ready to tell his roommate off. But he stopped short when a bundle of blankets smiled brightly up at him.

"You really got it! Thank you so much!" Eridan's eyes shone brightly and Sollux felt his face color.

"Yeah well - don't get uthed to it." And with that, he tossed the box down on the table and marched to his room, leaning heavily on the door once it was shut. The sweet smile Eridan had given him was so un-Eridan like, and it stuck in his head. The more Sollux thought, the more he found himself wanting to be the cause of that beautiful grin again, the grin that made Eridan's eyes scrunch up in the corners happily. With a defeated sigh, he slid to the floor and put his face in his hands.

I'm so fucked, was the only thought running through his head.


So, as you've probably noticed, these one shots have gotten progressively shorter as time goes on. This is because of three main reasons:

-I'm not as into homestuck as I used to be. Don't get me wrong, I still love erisol and am happy to contribute to having more redrom fics posted, but it's harder and harder to write for it as my interest for it decreases.
-I dislike the layout of wattpad. I don't like the color, the quality of many stories on here, and the layout I have to have for writing my stories. I'll still be posting here, but even less frequently and it will no longer be the only site I post to.
-I want to expand my writing. I absolutely love to write, and after a while(and it's been quite a while) it feels restricting to only write one ship: that ship being erisol.

That being said, I have an announcement to make:

AS OF NOW, I WILL BE ACCEPTING REQUESTS FOR ONE SHOTS OF DIFFERENT SHIPS. *but not all ships will be written(at all, or not right away) as I would have to research any characters I don't know*

I will also be posting original works on a Tumblr that I will release once it's completely set up.

Hell, if I really enjoy a one shot for your request, it could turn into a multi-chapter fic.

So please please please send me requests! I'd love to see what you'd like me write! :) I'm looking forward to it.

So that's about it. See ya next time~

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