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Everything had been perfect. Sollux had gotten roses, chocolates, cards, and countless other gifts. He had set up their room with the gifts and a movie, then waited for Eridan to get home. It had all been perfect. Anticipation had had his heart racing so he couldn't sit still, so he had gotten up to go check on the food he had been preparing. It hadn't been quite done at the time, so he went into the bathroom to wash his face and try to look somewhat presentable.

That was when shit hit the metaphorical whirling device.

When he got out of the bathroom, the first thing he noticed was the brown goop lining the muzzle of their puppy, Jade. A quick investigation told him yes, it was in fact chocolate. Luckily the small dog hadn't gotten into much, but it was still enough to make him panic. Jade had torn apart the room in her search for chocolate, and there was no way he would be able to fix it in time. Quickly, he put her in the backyard and went to check on the food. So far, that was still untouched. Still perfect. He could still make this work. He was Sollux Captor and god damn it, he could set up a romantic Valentine's day date.
He soon learned that he could not, in fact, set up a romantic Valentine's day date. As he struggled to deal with the mess in the bedroom, he failed to realize that he had.... overcooked the food. Eridan was the one who called the fire department, and Sollux felt immeasurable guilt weigh down on his shoulders. It had been so perfect. He had made sure that it would be flawless, just for Eridan. But he had fucked up. He always seemed to fuck everything up. Dark thoughts bounced back and forth in his head, and he didn't even realize tears were rolling down his cheeks until Eridan wiped them away.
"Sol, darlin, wwhats wwrong?" He met the worried blue eyes of his boyfriend and wiped harshly at the tears forming in his own dual colored eyes.
"I methed it up. It wath gonna be tho good..." He glared down at the floor, hating the way his voice cracked pathetically. "I methed it all up." Cool arms wrapped around him and held him close.
"Hey, it's okay. Really. Howw about wwe order a pizza and wwatch a movvie together? Does that sound nice?" Sollux sniffled and rested his head on his boyfriends shoulder, nodding weakly. Soft lips pressed against his temple, and he was led into the living room. Soon enough, he had a slice of pizza in hand and Eridan in his lap, leaning on his chest and watching the movie. A small smile tugged at his lips. Maybe.. it was perfect after all. In its own special way. Eridan must've noticed him smile, because a smile of his own spread across his face and he pressed his lips to Solluxs.
"Happy Valentine's day, Sol." Sollux couldn't fight the blush that darkened his pale cheeks, and he returned the kiss gently.
"Happy Valentine'th day, ED."

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