Chapter One: Maya Hunter

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I run to Riley's apartment to bring up the bad news, tears running down my eyes. I barge into the apartment, out of breath. Mrs. Matthews looks at me with a startled expression on her face.

"Peaches!" Riley says and walks up to me.

"Yeah, hi." I say, out of breath.

"What's the rush, honey?" Mrs. Matthews asks me.

"J-Josh got into a c-car accident." I reply.

Mrs. Matthews gasps and grabs her car keys.

"WHAT?" Mrs. Matthews screams. "CORY AND AUGGIE! GRAB YOUR THINGS WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" She grabs her purse.

Riley hugs me. "He's going to be be alright." She says.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask, hugging her back.

"I don't know, but I'm not giving up."

Riley never gives up. She always has hope. That's one of the reasons why I love her, but to me? Hope is for suckers.


We are in the car on our way to the hospital. Me and Riley sitting in the back as Auggie is sitting in the middle.

"Maya, how did you find out before us?" Mr. Matthews asks.

"His friend Andrew and I talk a lot. Josh was on the phone with him— Josh was on speaker so don't worry, and someone's car smashed into his. Andrew heard everything and asked if Josh was alright Andrew di-didn't hear anything." I sob.

Riley reaches her arm over Auggie's head and rubs my shoulder.

"Wow." Mr. Matthews says.

"He's uncle Josh! He will be okay." Auggie says.

"How do you know that, Augs?" Mrs. Matthews says.

"Because he's a survivor." Auggie replies, smiling a little.


We all arrive at the hospital and thankfully the doctors let me in to see Josh. I speed walk to his room, everyone else behind me and walk in. He's laying on his elbow with glasses on, watching TV. He sees me and quickly turns off the TV.

I've never seen him with glasses on before. Even though he looks like a nerd, he is still cute.

"J-Josh?" I ask. He looks at me and his face lights up. I run into his arms and he winces. "Oof, sorry."

"Hey." He whispers.

"Oh, baby! I'm so glad you're alright!" I say, laying beside him on the bed.

He kisses my forehead. He wipes one of my tears with his solid purple thumb.

"I'm okay, calm down." He says. Everyone walks in and closes the door.

"Calm down? Josh, you could've died!" I say.

"I know, but thank God I didn't."

"Josh, since when do you wear glasses?" Mr. Matthews asks, his brows twitched.

"I usually don't, I wear contacts," Josh says. "And I've worn glasses since I was thirteen Cor."

"Oh, I guess I'm so used to you wearing contacts I must've forgot." Mr. Matthews says.

"Since when did you get blind?" I ask. He chuckles.

"I'm not fully blind, I just can't see far away from a distance. During the accident, I lost my contact lenses and they were my last pair. I have to buy new ones soon. Does it change how you feel about me?"

He asks, putting a stand of hair behind my ear.

I shake my head.

"Nothing will change how I feel about you," I say. "Unless you were an axe murderer."

He laughs a little.

"Great." He says.

I lay down next to him and rest my head against his shoulder.

"What are your injuries?" Mrs. Matthews asks him.

"Sprained ankle, concussion and I had glass in my ribs, so they had to fix that." Josh replies.

"You seem like you're fine, uncle Josh. I don't see any injuries." Auggie says.

"That's because they're covered up by my hospital gown and blankets, buddy." Josh says.

God, I hate seeing him like this. I hate seeing him here.

"When are you getting out of the hospital?" I ask, placing my hand on his cheek.

"In two or three days. I didn't get hurt that bad."

"Well obviously you have if you're in here that long."

"You know Josh, this would only be your second time in the hospital." Mr. Matthews says.

"Second time? Yeah." He says. "I don't remember my first time though."

"Wait. What does he mean by 'second time?'" I ask.

Josh takes a deep breath.

"When I was born—" Josh says.

"Josh, are you sure you are ready to tell her?" Mr. Matthews asks. He nods. Tell me what?

"Yeah, I know she's ready." He says. "When I was born, I almost died. My mom and dad tried to keep me alive, but everything was up to me. Whether I should stay or not. Well, that's what they believed." Josh says.

"He almost died?" I ask everyone. "Is that what Auggie meant when he said that Josh is a survivior?"

Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, Riley and Auggie nod.

"My breathing wasn't the greatest." He says.

I know he has asthma, but I didn't know that he almost died when he was born.

"Well, I'm glad you chose to stay. I don't know what I've would've done without you." I say.

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Me too." He says, smiling.

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