Chapter 13

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He was hurt again. That Tucker sure means his punches.

Not that he didn't warn him.

They made him repeat the story again and since he didn't have any details or information he told them about his dreadful day with that little redheaded witch.

His lip swelling and a dull ache in his head was back. And so he got another visit from the philosopher doctor that mended him just this morning.

Absolutly brilliant.

Except that this time the doctor didn't push the issue of Evans girl. Thank the Maker.

He was tired and hurting and as soon as they had served him dinner he fell asleep. Only to be woken by a noise. It sounded like a faint humming, which would one describe as an electrical motor of a bike. But as it got closer he could hear the familiar sound of a four engine Airjacket Spade. Like the one he fell from just yesterday.

The NYC Guard was looking for him.

He was hoping that they had somehow tracked them here. That they would find him and arrest these radicals.

But he knew he was hoping for to much even as he got up, the pain of his broken ribs keeping him from standing up.

The sound of the aircraft was disappearing.

They had no idea where he was. And Neji was certain that he wouldn't be let go any time soon. He would have done the same thing were the roles reversed. He was a source of information for whatever it was that they needed it.

And he couldn't escape. Not in this condition.

So he would wait for his body to heal. And in the meantime he has to learn as much as he can about this place if he means to escape.

First, he would need to know the exact location of where he was. But since he was unconscious the whole ride he couldn't tell how long they had drove. Second, figure out where all the exits are. And lastly, find transportation that would take him back to the city.

Back to his team.

Then something occured to him.

This people wanted to know more about those women they had arrested yesterday. Just a day after they were released from Arville. And Evans was among them.

What did they want with them?

Neji slowly eased himself back on the cot. What did his mother want with them in the first place. She said that they were special and left before he had a chance to ask why.

He would have to look into that once he got back in the city.

A week past and Neji was sick. They had given him a book to read when he asked the doctor when he came to check up on him. And he had read it and reread it. Not because of the plot, which he found a bit amusing, but still very good. But because he was bored enough and still mending to actually check the book again if he had missed any details.

He heard a woman's voice coming down. He knew it wasn't Kala. Where Kala's voice was much more serious and loud, this one was quiet,  girly and cranky but possesed the same seriousnes.

He knew that voice.

And he understood why he knew that voice when Evans stood outside his cell. With her older brother in tow.

„You look horrible." He said. Neji just looked at them, trying not to give any sign of his still hurting body. He knew what he looked like. He didn't care. He didn't have to say anything to those two redheaded devils.

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