Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As Captain layed unconscious, Jane took the libreaty to cuff him with his own handcuffs to a pipe next to a wooden crate in a warehouse. Minutes before she was running through the streets of Brooklyn from Reapears. with Captains limp and beaten body in her arms trying not to tangle her own feet. She spotted a small warehouse from a company whose logo she did not recognize and broke into it using Captain's wristpad. As she layed him down and cuffed him, she took away his weaponry. Jane didn't want to wait for him to wake up. She knew that if she was still here by that time that she would be met with his wrath and prejudice as she was this noon. Still she wouldn't leave him here. Not when he wouldn't be able to defend himself in this state.

So Jane took of his upper gear and then his shirt. There was a nasty bruise at his ribs and she knew that a few of them have been broken. She tore of his shirt and in his belt she found a cooling gel and a pack of painkillers. Jane glazed the gel on his torse, feeling Captain twich a bit as she put in on his ribs. Then she bandaged it with his shirt and put some of the gel on his face. The bruising got instantly better, but the ribs were another problem. He wouldn't be able to move on his own like that. She dressed him again in the remains of his gear and let him rest, slightly wondering why did he have painkillers as strong as these in his belt. A few hours pased as she worked on his wristpad making sure his locator was off. After that and a few more alterations, she tried to send a message to Cole, hoping he would come for her. Even though that would make him a criminal as well.

Jane knew Cole wasn't the same carefree man he was years ago. She guessed that perhaps even though she and Bash were the ones in prison, and Cole made a life for himself, it wasn't easy for him either. She heard some of the stories in Arville. Those bitches in there were a bunch of gossipers, making friends and alliances by used those gossips for the rest them to know how the world functions while they are rotting in there. 

One of those rumors was about her brother Cole, and how he made a name for himself in the ranks of New York elite by making himself their whore. He was barely twenty-two and aquired more money and contacts than the rest of the socialites combined. Despite of the method, Jane was both proud and sad for him. And when she went to defend him against those nasty bitches who called him „a filthy and worthless bottom whore" she spent five days in the infirmary. That was after her one year. That was the last time they saw her bleed.

By the time Jane managed to send a coded message to her brother, Captain stirred. His breaths a bit shallow like he fought for each and every one of them. Jane went to him, checking the bandages and hoping she wouldn't have to give him mouth to mouth. Although she had to admit it was a pretty mouth. No such thoughts. Focus Jane. After a while his breathing slowed, and he was all sweat. Maybe there is a pump or something, she thought. She searched the warehouse finding an old hose which was full of grime which would probably give both of them some kind of disease. 

She went to pick it up when she spotted a canister full of water. The date on it said it hadn't expired yet, which meant that someone must have brought it recently. The canister was heavy so she had to slowly drag it to the other side of the warehouse. No chance in hell. She remembered that these old warehouses had those things on wheels for transporting smaller crates and so she went on to search for one. Being in a dark warehouse trying to find things with a little fluorescant light she found in one of Captain's side pockets wasn't exactly her idea of fun. No matter how glad she was to be out of prison. And yet here she is helping the man who would gladly see her in a cell. 

Life was a joke. Or irony she supposed. 

When she finally found what she was looking for in another room, among the crates she had small splinters in her hands and was filthy. Managing to bring the canister, after all the noise and several slips she noticed two things: the first one was that Captain was awake and he was staring at her and the second was that his wristpad was glowing.

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