Sick Ryan

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Y/N pov
I watched as the rain came down excitingly hard as it hit my windshield. I had my boyfriends band playing lightly in the background as I drove down the very familiar road. Coming to a slight stop at the dark red sign with white writing on it, I got a text from Ryan- my boyfriend of course.
Ry💕- Can you pick up more tissues? The soft kind.
I smiled as I replied back with a sure.
I turned down one of the back roads and head to the local market that wasn't 30 minutes out of town.

Pulling my 10$ bill out I payed the friendly elderly woman who had just a few minutes ago rang up the plush tissues. I walked to my lock car as I digged through my jacket pockets to find my keys.
Sighing as I unlocked my car and got away from the rain, I plugged the aux back in.

Pulling up to Ryan and I's white House, I threw everything in the white plastic bag, making sure I had my keys ready. I bolted towards the front door. Unlocking it, I turned to see the back of Ryan as I entered our home.
"Babe are you okay?" I got a slight cough in return. I walked over to see Ryan curled up into a ball still in his PJs from the night before under a fluffy blanket. I smiled at the sight and pulled the box of tissues out.
"Ry are you sick babe?" This time in return I got a quiet yes also followed by a scratchy cough. I slightly shook my head at the male in front of me as he held his tissues in one hand and the blanket in the other.
Outstretching his arms I willingly laid down next to him. "Listen here young man, you better not get me sick. I have to work tomorrow." I stated in a stern tone. He mumbled an okay as he Protectingly draped his arm around my waist. As we both dozzed off to the sound of the rain crashing against the roof.

Hope y'all enjoyed·Elaina

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