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The group kept walking, even after the crystal moon had risen and the sky had grown dark. They pressed onwards, despite their weariness, until a light became visible in the distance. Without saying anything, the group of Mages rushed forward towards the light, a newfound energy motivating them. They halted once they reached the clearing, gazing upon the sight before them. A small wooden cabin, with several lanterns shattered around the clearing.

"Not a city, but definitely a 'sign of life.'" snuffed Gajeel.

"Let's break in!" Natsu yowled, his face lighting up with his typical smirk.

"Shouldn't we just knock and see if any-" Wendy's comment was cut off by the large orange Dragon running at the entrance and smashing it with his head. The wooden door cracked, then shattered into several pieces. Natsu's head was firmly held into place by the remaining parts of the damaged door, and he writhed his head rapidly.

"Help me! Help me! Guys I'm stuck! Help!" Natsu shrieked, thrashing his tail around wildly.

From the inside of the cabin, a startled scream could be heard, followed by the door opening and Natsu getting scooted aside, still stuck. The one who had screamed stepped forward. She was a light green, Dragon-Fly like creature, about the same size as Natsu. "Oh my, I'm so sorry Charizard!" Called the green creature who opened the door. Her gaze left the wriggling Natsu and fixed instead on the group of Fairy Tail Mages, who were gawking at the odd-looking stranger with large eyes. "Is he a friend of yours'?" She asked in a sweet voice, gesturing towards Natsu.

"Sadly, yes.." Lucy sighed, bringing her blue hand to her forehead in annoyance, "Do you mind if I, uh, free him- from your door?"

"Not at all." The creature said politely, as Lucy trotted up her steps. "I must say," the stranger flew up to stand by Lucy. "I've never seen a blue Gardevoir..." Lucy nodded absentmindedly as she pushed against Natsu's head. He mumbled protests as she pushed again, this time finally freeing him.

He swiveled his head a few times, smiling gratefully. "Thanks Lucy!"

"Oh, Lucy is your name?" The green stranger smiled, "Nice to meet you! I'm Ariana, Ariana the Flygon, pleased to meet you!" She extended her tiny clawed hand out to Lucy, and the Mage shook it hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you Ariana... Um... What was it.. That you uh, you called me before?" Lucy asked.

"A Gardevoir?" Ariana said, with a confused look on her face, "You... Do know what you are... Right?" She paused, but before Lucy could respond, the Flygon began to talk again, "So what are your friends names? This is an awful strange group of Pokemon your running with! Typically, most Pokemon run with those who belong to the same type as them, but you have a variety of different friends here! Why you all are -"

As Ariana kept rambling on cheerfully, Erza whispered to the group who had remained by her. "Pokemon. I think that's what our species is called..." 

"But remember what she called Lucy and Natsu." Levy pointed out, "And called herself too... Different names.. Flygon, Charizard, Gardevoir... I think those are all different breeds within one big species."

"Odd. We clearly need more information." Erza stated blankly, and the group all murmured quietly in agreement.

"Well..." Lucy interrupted Ariana, who was still rambling on and on, "This is Natsu." She gestured towards the Orange Dragon, who was recovering from his head being forcefully removed from the door. Lucy gestured for her friends to step forward, one by one. "And these are Gray, Wendy, Erza, Levy, Gajeel and Juvia."

"We're very pleased to meet you, Ariana, and we could greatly use your help." Juvia said politely, a friendly smile on her face. She had put her sulking on hold due to the urgentness of their situation, which caught her friends (especially Gray) off-guard.

"Yes, we would like you to tell us what breed of.. Pokemon.. We each are." Erza stated.

"What an odd request..." Ariana fitted with her hands awkwardly, "Why do you need me to do that?" She asked with innocent curiosity.

The group exchanged anxious glances, each nodding reluctantly. "Alright, but don't be alarmed." Erza met the Flygon's curious gaze with a stern, serious expression. "We... aren't exactly from this World."

(To be continued...)

Powerful - Pokemon/Fairy Tail Crossover (Nalu, Gruvia, Gale)Where stories live. Discover now