"I think he likes you" She said.

"What?" I asked.

"I think he likes you" Alli repeated, smiling.

"And what make you say that?" 

"Earlier, I asked him about Bella, and he said they won't get back together because he likes someone else."

"And what makes you think, I'm that person?"

"Let's see, he let you wear his boxers and hoodie, and didn't complain when he just saw you wearing it, in fact, he smiled, he's always hugging you. And earlier he kissed you on the cheek." She smirked.

"He's just being nice." What if she's right?

"If you say so...." Alli answered, not convinced, "So, do you like him?"

"I've known him for a day Alli!" I laughed.

"Two days" Alli corrected.

"Still, I haven't known him that long." 

"But do you?" She persisted.

"Ok, maybe I do a bit" I admitted. Alli squealed, causing me to laugh slightly.

"You two would be so cute together!"

"Alli..." I started, "Don't do anything"

"Ok" She sighed.

Alli's POV:

We were getting ready to go to the Defeat The Label photoshoot. Last night Jess told me that she likes Cody. I think he likes her too, They would make such a cute couple! Jess told me not to do anything. I won't. Well atleast, nothing major, just leave them alone sometimes. 

I was in the downstairs bathroom, putting my make up on, when I realised I had forgot my mascara. 

"Jess! Have you got some mascara I can borrow? I forgot mine." Jess' head pooped around the corner of the door,

"Sorry, I don't wear make up" 

"And again, how do you live?" I joked, "I'll just get some before we leave, come on, we got to go." I said, putting my make up back in my bag.

"Hey, I;m ready, it was you we were waiting for." Jess laughed.

"Oh shut up!" I joked. We grabbed my bag and the blankets, and walked over to my house.

We went in the front room and dumped the blankets on the floor, the guys were playing COD, that wasn't suprising.

"Hey girls, ready to go?" My mum asked us.

"Just a second, I gotta go put mascara on, I forgot it, and Jess doesn;t wear make up, I don't know how she lives." I ran upstairs, Jess stuck her togue out at me before we both laughed.

Cody's POV:

Jess doesn't wear make up? And she's still so beautiful. After Alli went upstairs, my mum said she would wait in the car. I walked over to Jess and gave her a hug,

"Want to wait in the car?" I suggested.

"Ok" Jess smiled.

"Alli, we're waiting in the car!" Before she could answer, we went outside and into the car. Jess got in the back, and I sat in the front with my mum. Not long later, Alli came out and sat in the back with Jess, we oulled out of the drive, and headed towards the photoshoot. I decided to text Jess on the way.

Jess' POV:

The only sound in the car was the radio, when Angie started a conversation,

"How was last night, girls?" She asked,

"It was good" Alli answered, her and her mum started talking about somthing, and I just looked out of the window. It wasn't long until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket,

From Cody ;) : You look beautiful today xx

I smiled and looked up at Cody to see him looking out of the window. I was wearing red skinny jeans, with a white shoulder top on that had 'YOLO' written across it in grey writing. 

To Cody ;) : Thankyou :) You don't look too bad yourself ;) x

From Cody ;) : Thankyou ;) What did you girls talk about last night? xx

To Cody ;) : Just girl stuff :P xx

From Cody :) : I see :P You might get a bit bored at this thing :/ xx

To Cody ;) : I have my iPod, I will be fine :) xx

From Cody ;) : Ok :) xx

We pulled up to the place, and got out of the car. We went into the place, and into a room with lots of cameras and different backings in it. Cody and Alli got taken away to dressing rooms, and I stayed with Angie as she talked to some person. 


Hope you liked it :) Tell me what you think :P x

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