Chapter 12: Back Home

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Ch. 12

~Zim's P.O.V~

I saw Jinx shooting 3 different men and trying to get through them without being shot. I grabbed my gun and started shooting 2 of them until they were on the ground, and ran to Jinx. "Are you ok?" "I'm fine. Where's Dib?"

"In the building, I told him to hide until I came back for him."

"Good. Lookout behind you!"

I turned around and a large man grabbed my neck and captured me. Jinx took out her gun and shot his leg which caused him to collapse.


"Welcome. Let's go for the bot now, they're probably hiding in there. She grabbed my jacket and flew to the head if the robot, looking in through the entrance. "There's no one here... I could've sworn they were all here a minute ago."

"You're right, we were."

The woman from before flew at us and threw us back to the ground.

"Souldiers! Take hold of them."

More men came from behind the robot and tied our hands.

"Alright, children. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Where is the boy?"

Me and Jinx just looked at each in silence. She gave me a don't-say-a-word look.

"Ok, then. Since you won't talk, you're of no value to me. Kill them."

The man from behind me took out a gun from his pocket and aimed at us.

So this is how I'm going to end my life... I never even properly told Dib I loved him yet...


Another explosion went off, this time from the building Dib was in. When the smoke had cleared out, I saw Dib standing up and his hands glowing blue.



I got the tie loose and ran to Dib yet again and hugged him. His heat kept my body warm and made me feel safe..

"Hello? A little help here?"

I turned around to see Jinx with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Sorry, got a little caught up in the moment." I walked to her and started untying her hands.

"So, you're the Ametria, huh?" She looked at Dib.

"Guess I am.."

"Well it looks like I'm gonna have to protect both of your asses now."

I laughed along with Dib. His laugh was so cute..

"There's still more soldiers left and that woman is still around. We gotta find them before they try to kill us again. Zim, go with Dib. I'll look more around here." And with that, she left.

"Guess that makes us a team for now, right?"


"Do you need a weapon or something? I have tons-"

"My 'powers' are weapon enough." He smiled.

"Good point."

"Dib! Zim!! H-heelll.."

"She got herself in trouble already?! C'mon, let's go." I grabbed his hand and ran towards where I heard her yell. Oh no...

"We have your precious guardian girl now. Hand over the Ametria or she'll spend time with you as a mere spirit."

"Zim! Don't do it! Protect him, not me!"

"Times ticking, child."


A hand slipped through my buckle pocket and grabbed a gun. It was Dib.... He shot the 3 out of 4 men that were left there, 1 of them running away and hiding.

"You brat! I'll guess this is the last time you'll be seeing your friend!" She took her pocket knife and nearly stabbed Jinx's neck until-

It was taken from her. Dib somehow stole the knife with his mind and threw t to the far side of the other building.

The last man jumped from the robot and headed towards us. Damn it, when was this going to end?!

Then, unexpectedly, Dib shot the man through his chest leaving him on the ground.


Dibs left hand became blue and started levitating the woman who almost killed Jinx.

"I'll come back another time! Until then, damn you childre-"

Dib clenched his hand and the woman became dust, falling to the ground in white bits.

"Jinx, did they hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine I guess.."

"Good.... I have a question."


"How are we going to get back home?"

"Well, I lost my watch so the only other person who knows how is Dib."

"Wha- and how do you suppose I do that?"

"With your mind. Think about you guys on Earth, and it'll transport you."

"But... What about you? Don't you wanna come with?"

"I'm fine here."

"No, you're coming with us. You're supposed to protect us, remember?"

"Uh..... Fine. I'll go."

"Yay! Now take us back home, Dib-human!"

We all clung to each other and Dib yelled "We're going back home!"


We fell to the floor of my base, the sun starting to rise. "Agh, my head.. Computer, what day is it?"

"It is Thursday."

"What?! We were gone for 3 days?!"

"It appears so."

"Dib, where's Jinx?"

"On the table."

I walked to the lab where Jinx was sprawled out on the table, snoring as loud as a father after thanksgiving dinner.

"JINX!" I yelled.

"I'm uppppp... Zim?" She fell off and hit her head on the floor. "Aaaaawww... My head..."

"I'm going to hack into the Skool's system and enroll you as a new student, are you okay with that?"

"Sounds good to me."


I walked to my computer and started typing the Skool's URL. Then, I felt cold hands caress my neck..

"D-Dib? What're you doing?"

"Remember when you kissed me? You were about to say something until we transported.."

"I.... I don't remember. Would you refresh my memory?"


After that last word, I firmly pressed Dib's lips on mine and threw my arms around his waist. When we parted, I panted for air.

"I love you, Dib.."

"I love you too, Zim."

"Awe! How cute!" Jinx interrupted. We all laughed and I continued my work on the computer with Dib by my side.

This week has been the most craziest week I've ever experienced.

A/N: D'AWWWWWW ISNT IT SO BERTIFURL *tear tear* I'm working on the 13th chapter, I think it'll be the last one. Ugh, I loved writing it but I guess all good things come to an end :/ hope you liked it ^_^

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