Chapter 11: The Ametria

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Ch. 11

~Zim's P.O.V~

Jinx and I flew to the ground and hit the wall of a grey little house. "Go in, Zim, quickly!" Jinx opened the door and let me in first. "It should be safe in here for a little while."

"What happened?" She looked out the window.

"No.... The invaders found you. They're going to try and force you out of telling about the Ametria.. Stay here. I'll go look for Dib."

"I'm coming with!"

"No, don't. Too dangerous. They could skin you alive if they wanted to, the risk is too harmful."

"I know more about Dib then you think you do, and he could maybe be the Ametria. He's my friend, and... I love him. You're supposed to protect me, I get that. But if I lose Dib, and you... I'll be all alone. Please let me come with you." She looked at me with thought.

"Fine. But you gotta armor up, green boy."

She looked through all the cabinets and then tapped the third one. It flipped over, revealing the weapons attached to the back. Guns, knives, grenades, all sorts of machines used to kill.

"J-Jinx! I-I'm only 15 years old... How the hell am I supposed to use this stuff?!"

"Guns are for shooting, knives are for stabbing, and grenades are for throwing. It's that simple."

"N-no... I mean, I can't kill anyone.."

"When you came to Earth, you wanted to kill. Besides, do you wanna find Dib or not?" I looked at the weapons, then back at her. Damn it, she was right.

"Fine." Jinx opened the closet and about 7 suits were hanging from the bar between both walls. She took a suit and threw it at me and took one for herself as well. "Go change. And hurry, we don't have much time left before they start searching." I stood there for a minute, processing what was going on. I can't believe I'm about to be protecting the person I thought I hated... I went in the closest room to change, and came back out to see Jinx already putting weapons on her buckle. "I feel weird in this.."

"Because it's your first time not wearing skin tight leather pants."

"Very funny." She grabbed some guns and threw them at me. They were rather heavy for such small devices..

"Attach them to your buckle. These knives have leather pockets somewhere, put them away there and be careful with them. And the grenades hang loose on your waist. You know how to work them, right?"

"Geez, I'm not 5 years old. Of course I do."

"Well, I'm suppose to ask this stuff since I need to protect you. It's common sense. Oh, and put this on under your shirt." She gave me a thick and heavy vest which looked fatter than my torso.

"What is this?"

"It's bullet proof. It keeps you from getting your vital organs shot..... Well most of 'em."


I put it on and looked out the window. There were robots, men and woman in heavy armor, all sorts of machines similar to what I had.

"Shouldn't we get going? There coming closer.."

"Yeah. One more thing." She held 2 guns in here hand, making a gesture for me to take one.

"Pistol guns. I just filled them up, so they're ready to go."

I took the smaller gun and started inspecting it. This was really hard to process...

"Let's go through the back door, it'll be easier to get away."

I followed her out through the back, closing the door silently. The area was still as dull as ever, but very loud considering the enemy was near.

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