Chapter 4: What Actually Happened

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Ch. 4

~Zim's P.O.V~

How could I have been so stupid? I should've concentrated more on the substance... But no. Zim was soooo impatient that he only put a minimal amount of liquids! Now the unbearable human was sitting in his class, saying Spanish foods and writing down meanings and words, with more power than I, the great and AMAZING ZIM, filling his body and speeding at an unbelievable rate, it couldn't have been possible. I thought about those words I said: That information is classified. If only Dib knew what I did besides injecting him.. Thank god he doesn't remember it.


I finally finished my masterpiece chemical. "At last! With my power and his brain, the world will be conquered at last!" I took some cleaning wipes and looked at his bare skinny arm. "Puny human." I wiped the spot where I was going to inject him clean and slowly put the needle in his vein. Out of nowhere, Gir came running in ranting about taquitos something. I was very startled and fell on top of Dib, in a position where it looked like we were... Hugging. My arms around his neck, I didn't dare move or he would've woken up. Then, strangely enough, he buried his head into the crook of my neck and nuzzled me. My eyes half lidded and tightened my grip. "I love you, Dib..." I whispered. I quickly widened my eyes and jumped back on the floor, the needle empty and falling out if Dib's arm. "WHAT THE TALLEST AM I SAYING?! I HATE YOU MORE THAN I HATE THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!" I yelled. Why would I even DARE love a human as weak as him, even worse, a male?! I grabbed the needle from the floor and put it back on the desk, storming out as fast as I could. Before I opened the door, I ordered, "Computer! Dress the Dib-human and transport him back to his place. Oh, and destroy the camera as well. For all we know, he could have proof in there." "Yes, Master Zim." It replied. I went upstairs and rested my aching body on the couch while Gir was eating taquitos on the floor. Why did today have to be the most horrible days in mankind?


I was distracted in class while the art teacher yelled my name. "Zim! Quit daydreaming and pay attention other wise you'll be daydreaming in detention." I grumbled and looked at the board while she was telling us the right color paints we needed for the stupid project. I prayed to the Tallest that today would actually be a normal day for once.

A/N: the chapters have been kinda short, I'm surryyyyy.. I have no experience with reading long chapters, so I don't know how dey work cx I'll try to make the next few ones longer, I promish :3 BAI!

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