Chapter 1: Midnight

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Ch. 1

~Dib's P.O.V~

Something is horribly wrong. Today was definitely NOT normal. Gaz didn't once even touch her game slave and dad wasn't working on some sort of machine.

So here I am. Laying in my bed, window open revealing the dark and silent night. It was absolutely horrendous. The more silent it is, the more louder it felt like in my head. Then, it finally hit me like the cold wind was hitting my face.


He's up to something. And I just know he is. He didn't say one word in Skool today, in fact I don't think he was socially active at all today. He just sat in his seat, staring at the board and Ms. Bitters was... Dare I say it.... Not as mean, which was the second biggest shock next to Zim not screaming anything out loud.

It's not something I should be doing right now. I mean, me and Zim (along with everyone else from Skool) are sophomores in Hi Skool now, and all this started when we were in sixth grade. 5 years later, I'm STILL wrapped up in this whole exposing-my-alien-enemy thing. I'm not gonna give up anytime soon, though, but it's like everyone expects me to be over it. I'll expose that bug if it's the last thing I do.

I looked over at the clock. 2:12 A.M. I got out of my bed and changed from my boxers to my usual blue shirt, black coat, black pants, and black boots. I fixed my hair and grabbed my glasses to go, along with my camera.

I quietly sneaked out my front door and closed it. I can't even begin with counting how many times I tripped over pebbles. I left a mental note in my mind to put my glasses on before I left. After I tripped over my 56th pebble (and yes I've been keeping count), I reached the front of Zim's house where I heard very faint wiring and sizzling. I knew he was up to something! I climbed up the pipe on the side of his house to the secret top door I made the last time I sneaked in. I took out the cover and tried my best to stay as silent as I could, but then rain started falling in. My hand slipped and, like an idiot, I fell and made the loudest noise in the history of noises. The wiring and sizzling stopped, and I heard very little steps getting closer and closer. I tried to hide, but the puddle of little droplets made me slip and fall on my face. Gir was screaming in circles, saying whatever he was saying. And when I saw those red eyes and evil grin, I knew what was gonna happen.

Oh, no.

Not again.


Sorry this chapter was kinda short, I've been trying to write it but School /).- anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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