Chapter 9: The Kiss

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Ch. 9
~Dib's P.O.V~
I tried to read Zim's mind, but nothing worked. I got too distracted by the designs on the ceiling.. I stoop up from my chair and wandered around the base. "Now that I think about it, powers seem pretty cool. I mean, on your behalf."
"Hm? How?"
"Well, if you're still interested in turning me into slave, it could be helpful. When you take over the world, you could use me."
"Oh... Right."
I looked out the window and to my watch. Crap, 8:30 already?
"So, what exactly are you planning to do if I change my mind?"
"I.... I don't know."
"Well, I've been thinking. Once this is done, you'll no longer be as big of a threat to me as you were already and... Well, we could possibly get along better.... But if you decide to keep your powers, then I really don't know."
"So you're saying you won't hunt me down?"
"Well... most likely."
"Oh.... What do you mean by get along?"
"Hehe.... Err, we've been in this big fight for 5 years.. And I-I'd think its about time we could maybe... P-put it all behind us.. O-only if you'd like to, that is.."
I heard Zim get up from his chair and walk towards me. I turned around to face him completely.
"I-I-..... Uh, to be honest, I'd like to be your friend but... Then again, powers seem pretty cool..." I laughed.
"Well, you can have both if you'd like.." He looked away and clenched his fists. Damn it, why did he have to look so cute? Why did he have to look so caring but yet feel so closed? Worst of all, why do I even care? It couldn't be possible I have feelings for this... This creature in front me. But then again, what if he's not a real creature? Sure, he's an alien, but don't they have hearts, too? Maybe not in their bodies, but what about his mind? He could have a change of thought if he wanted to...
But that's obviously never going to happen.
Yeah sure, he's nice now, but after this is over, who knows what will happen tomorrow? Definitely not me.
"W-whaddya mean?" He looked down.
"I'm sure we can figure out a way.."
"But you know what this means, right?"
"Heh... Uh.. I have to stop trying to expose you and... You have to stop... Trying to... T-take over the Earth.."
"I-I'm able to live with that."
"U-um... Yes. I am."
As Zim was walking slowly towards me, the front of his boot got caught in a nail and fell forwards, throwing me on the ground under him and pinning me to the floor. I felt my cheeks grow a deep shade of red, and I saw his grew a dark blue.
His face slowly got closer and closer to mine until the space between us was no longer there and our lips met. What's happening? Why am I not pulling back? Then I realized, the only reason why I'm not pulling back isn't because I'm shocked; but because I know now that I love him. No, I don't care if he's a guy as well or if he's my mortal alien enemy.. I just want him to know that I love him. More than I've ever loved anyone before; more than I could ever think of. After minutes, he pulled back for air and looked at me half-lidded.
"Dib........ I-I-I lov-"



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