Chapter 6: Bathroom Incident

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Ch. 6
~Dib's P.O.V~
My chest started hurting. Just like the way it did when I made those girls bald. Uh-oh. Something was about to happen, and it wasn't going to turn out to be good. The same girls from before were STILL annoying me. I felt a sudden urge to run up to them and make them choke on their freaking rich-girl food, but instead I stayed calm. Right when I was about to go up to them, a gloved hand touched mine. "Dib. Please. Don't do anything you wish you wouldn't have done." I was surprised to hear such sudden and mature words from Zim. I would've expected him to encourage me to "rip their human hearts out", but this took me by surprise. When I looked at him, I found he was staring in my eyes.... Again. "I...I... O-ok. I won't." My anger released itself from my body as I stared back in Zim's eyes.
No, not his real eyes.
His..... Fake eyes.
The contacts he wore were hiding those beautiful magenta-colored eyes. But..... Why? Why did the sudden realization had to hit me NOW? While the girls were looking at us and the entire sophomore population of Hi Skool were surrounding us? When I turned around, they were gone. Phew. But that doesn't change the fact that everyone else is all around us.... Wait, why am I overthinking those too much? Why do I care that all of the sophomores are in this room? What did I think I was going to do to Zim that was sooo embarrassing that the whole Skool might find out about?
Oh, no.
What.... What was I going to do?
I thought about over and over and....
I knew it.
Did I... Want to kiss Zim?
Do I possibly have..... Have feelings for this alien sitting next to me?
But.... He's my mortal enemy! I've been planning to expose him for 5 freaking years now! Maybe it was because of his sudden niceness... Or my sudden change of heart... Or.. Whatever. I didn't have to think about the now. I'll think about it later. With a big sigh, I asked "So, I guess we're gonna have to wait until the end of the day then?"
And with that, an awkward 5 minute silence fell on us. Well, I guess it's time to creep on Zim's thoughts... Again.
I focused my mind on Zim and eventually, it worked. I ate my orange (which I found in my pocket... I really don't know why) and listened to his mind.
Something about this.... Was horribly wrong.
I dropped my orange to the floor in surprise.
No, it wasn't thoughts.
They were..... Images.
Images of what I knew were scraps of his mind of what had happened last night.
Why was he thinking about that.... Now? Did he... P-possibly... Have feelings for me... Too...?
"Dib, you dropped your... Orange thingy. Are you okay?"
Damn it, why is he all of a sudden being so nice?!
"YES, YES, I'M FINE I JU-... I need to use the bathroom. E-excuse me for a sec.." I ran out the doors of the cafeteria and nearly flew through the doors of the boy's bathroom. I went into the third stall and started rubbing my head. "Get... Out... Of... My...." I couldn't speak anymore. W-what happened? Why was I in Zim's base again? I crept at the door and stayed silent. I saw myself chained on the table, unconscious, the same way I was last night. Zim, in his natural alien form, wiped my arm and slowly inserted the needle in my vein. I shivered. How could I not have felt that? I stepped aside as a very excited robot came speeding through the door with something about taquitos. Zim fell on top of my unconscious body and stayed there, looking very horrified. Is this... What had actually happened? I saw myself nuzzle my head in his neck. Did I really do that?! Zim had tightened his grip and whispered..
"I love you, Dib."
I fell on my butt in surprise with my eyes almost popping from my glasses. He... He said he LOVED me!
He quickly jumped back as well and screamed "WHAT THE TALLEST AM I SAYING?! I HATE YOU MORE THAN I HATE THE ENTIRE RACE!" Well, gee, that didn't hurt... He picked up the needle and placed it on the table, and walked out shivering. Before he left, he said "Computer! Dress the Dib-human and transport him back to his place. Oh, and destroy the camera as well. For all we know, he could have proof in there." And it replied "Yes, Master Zim." He left in shock, and he completely ignored me. He didn't see me at all. I don't even think he had a clue I just saw what he'd done to me... Then, with those last fee words on my mind, everything went blank and I was in the stall again. Now how am I ever going to face Zim again?

A/N: I felt like dis chapter made me feel awkward while writing it, but ITS NOT INAPRO-PRO, I SWEARZ! •^•

Hope you enjoyed ^_^

ZaDr: Accidental ExperimentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora