Chapter 10: Planet Laÿena

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Ch. 10
~Zim's P.O.V~
I woke up to broken glass and crumbles of wood. This is not my base.. Where am I?
"Hello, Zim." I turned around to see a very pale girl with short black hair, red eyes, black makeup and heavy black jewelry. Her shirt was a black cut off tank top showing off her pierced stomach, her hair swept off to the side revealing her pierced eyebrow, nose, and lip. Both of her ears had many earrings and she had a very short black skirt with very high black boots and ripped black gloves. "Who... Are you?"
"You may not know me, but I know more about you than you know about yourself. I'm Jinx, I was sent here from my planet to watch over you and protect you after what the Tallest had done."
"Tallest? What did the Tallest do?"
"Y-you don't know...?"
"No. Please, tell me!"
".... Zim, the Tallest sent you to Earth to die."
My tears couldn't be held back as they rolled down my cheeks. How could she tell me such... Such hatred LIES?
I stood up and pointed at her with rage. I wasn't going to let this "Jinx" ruin my self image.
Suddenly, a clawed hand slapped across my face with the same amount of anger.
"First of all.. Don't you Ever scream at me like that again.
Second of all, if you're so certain, come see for yourself."
She started tapping her watch and a hologram of Tallest Purple and Red came up.
Hey, have you checked on Zim yet?
There's no need, he's probably dead by now.
Phew! No more annoying video calls every week.
Don't need to tell me twice!
And with that, the hologram came off. How could they? They never cared about me... They left me here to die. What does that mean to me? Like my entire body has been cut into pieces. I'm nothing but a defect....
Wait! But there's still one piece left of me that isn't a failure...
"Where's Dib?"
"Dib? What Dib?"
"The human boy with large glasses. Where is he?"
"I didn't see any human boy.. Lemme check."
Her feet lifted off the ground and she started floating in the air... Who was this girl?!
"How are you.."
She opened her mouth to reveal her sharp teeth.
"Vampire, duh."
"Vampire? What is this vampire you speak of?"
"Uhh... Bloodsucker, nocturnal, immortal, pale, flyers, no reflection, strong, and fast." She gloated.
"Gee, nice explanation."
"I heard that."
"You were meant to.." I walked straight ahead to see more of this place... Everything was dull and broken. All the buildings either had huge broken walls or a broken roof. "Where are we?"
"In my planet."
"What is this Planet?"
"Planet Laÿena. My mother ruled this planet before invaders destroyed it. It used to be so beautiful until the war."
"What war?"
"The great Laÿena war. Few people back on Earth have heard about it, and even then they believe it to be a legend."
"What happened?"
"A half a millennium ago, there were signs signaling everywhere telling us invaders had given us a death threat. Everyone wasn't that worried until our government made it official the Great War would happen. Years later, the Laÿena souldiers and the other souldiers had finally met the day the Great War was planned to happen. It took 11 years until the war was over, and Laÿena had lost. Ever since then, we'd been taken over and our planet was ruined."
"Oh... What happened to your mother?"
"Where was your father during all of this?"
"He ditched us when he found out my mother was pregnant with me."
"How old are you?"
"2,355 years."
"Where is everyone?"
"God, when do you stop asking questions?!"
"Sorry, just curious..."
"...... Our people were forced to leave and live on a new planet. This place has been abandoned and no one else besides me has lived here."
"How long?"
"715 years."
"Wait, if you live here, how are you able to watch over me?"
"My mission had just begun a few months ago."
"So this Dib, what exactly does he look like?"
"He has black hair in the shape of a lightning bolt... I never understood why he never shaped it differently hehe... A-anyways, he has big glasses and an oddly shaped head."
"Sounds like a keeper."
"S-shut up... Wait, why are you the only one here? There has to be more people."
"There are."
"T-then why don't y-"
"Because they're the enemies. The invaders, I should say."
"Shouldn't we be in hiding, then?"
"I don't believe they're interested in coming in this part of the planet. There's nothing of value to it. Only if they believe they've found the Ametria's signal here, which is obviously unlikely."
"Ametria? What's that?"
"The Ametria is a person who has the powers to rule, both mentally and physically. Such powers only qualify one person who's smart enough to handle them."
Ametria.... Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a tick..
"Oh, Tallest.... WE'VE GOTTA FIND DIB!"
I ran at super speed, then the spider legs from my PAC extended from my back and walked me around.
I saw a dull building with no coke and metal roof. I lowered myself until my feet touched the dirt and started walking slowly."
"One last question... How and why am I here?"
"That's what I was wondering.. The only reason on how you could've been here is that you've made physical contact with the Ametria and because you're skin contacted the other's skin, it transported you here so it would be an easier way for the Invaders to attack you. Zim, who did you make contact with?"


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