Chapter 22

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Once Gohan and what was explained to him as Mirai no Trunks were finally done fucking each others' brains out, they were finally able to get some sleep. He and Goten had hidden in their room for the rest of that night. Well, really he hid in their room, and Goten watched with fascination and more than a little humor as Trunks winced each time he heard his name being screamed by Gohan... Then they all felt the two perverts powering up to SSJ3 and try to bring the building down around them. Thankfully that hadn't lasted long before... well, yeah...

"They better find some place else to to that from now on" Trunks grumbled loudly.

The next morning was probably one of the most tension filled breakfasts they'd ever had at CC, not that Gohan noticed. He and Mirai had come down together, of course, after showering together, of course. Mirai borrowed a pair of Gohan's pants since the ones he had arrived in were destroyed. Gohan was wearing the shirt that had been salvaged from Mirai's outfit, but Mirai wasn't wearing one at all. He seemed totally at ease, as if he owned the fucking place - Trunks looked at him sideways as he got Goten seconds and thirds. When Bulma and Yamucha came down - thank Kami Bulla was spending the weekend at Marron's house and had not been here last night - they both smiled and immediately hugged Mirai. A few laughs were had about old times, but the pleasant commotion died down as Vegeta and Goku entered the room. Usually it was Vegeta's temperament that clouded a gathering, but today it was Goku who seemed stand-off-ish. Goten and Gohan greeted them pleasantly anyway, used to full blooded Saiyans' moods. Trunks was used to it too, but was in too much of a mood himself to bother with pleasantries that were in-effect wasted.

"That hair is ridiculous" was the first thing out of his father's mouth - Yay! Things were finally going to go from tense to interesting. Mirai leaned back in his chair and "huffed" just like the Prince would have.

"No body asked you, old man" he said while staring him in the eye deliberately and eating his toast. Vegeta just "huffed" back at him and turned to Gohan, shaking his head slightly as Gohan smiled goofily back.

"Nice shirt" he dead-panned. Everyone but Trunks and Goten laughed pretty much hysterically at that - had his father just made an actual, honest-to-kami joke, and he had missed it? It really was a nice shirt, expensive blue silk by the look of it, embroidered on the collar and cuffs in an intricate design. What was so funny about that? Yamucha was actually wiping tearsout of his eyes.

"Oh man, that was a good one Vegeta" he said between chuckles as the laughter died down. Even Goku, who had started out on edge for some reason, was smiling and talking now.

Bulma and Yamucha were actually the first to leave, eating only one plate full as normal humans, then leaving the Saiyans to run off to some appointment - Bulma made Mirai promise he would be here when she got back, they had a lot of catching up to do after all, and then she hugged him tightly and Yamucha whisked her away - knowing them they were probably already late.

Then the tension began to build again. Goku went from sulking to openly staring at Mirai, and Trunks did his best to completely ignore his existence. Goten and Gohan were the only ones oblivious, still happily shoving food in their mouths and talking amongst themselves. Mirai just sat back, taking it all in, responding politely or warmly when called for, until Goku just couldn't take it anymore. He stood abruptly at the table, glaring at Mirai. Vegeta stayed sitting, but was very still beside him.

"Can I help you?" Mirai said with a frown.

"What the hell did you do to my son?" Goku practically yelled at him. Mirai frowned further, then spoke slowly.

"I bonded with him, and we had sex afterward, sealing it between us."

"That's not what I meant" Goku sneered, "I mean before - he was just a child!" The color drained from Gohan's face as he looked at his father. He opened the bond between himself and Mirai, 'I thought you told them?' 'I only gave them enough to let me save your life' Gohan cursed under his breath.

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