Chapter 5

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Trunks could tell Goten was really excited by the prospect of the party, he talked about it for days after the invite. The conversations usually boiled down to, "what are we going to wear?" Trunks didn't want to spoil his fun, so eventually he decided to just go with it, as long as Goten didn't think up something too over the top. He was relieved when he suggested Trunks just wear his nice tux, and let Goten be the one to dress more risque. It really was a better match for their personalities, and after talking to Justin & Nathaniel again, he figured they were supposed to be going more as sexy versions of themselves, not necessarily as strippers. Trunks did realize that either way, Goten wouldn't have anything 'appropriate' already in his wardrobe, so he offered to take him shopping for something. Goten got a mischievous look in his eyes, and asked if he wouldn't mind his outfit being a surprise...

It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now Trunks was waiting impatiently for Goten to finish getting ready in his bathroom. He had come over a few hours ago with a huge bag, kicking him out and telling him that he couldn't exactly do this at his own house, and then locked the door. Thankfully Trunks had already showered, so all he had to do was put on his tux when the time came... but now that it was getting close to time to go, and he was starting to wonder just what the hell Goten was doing in there. Even if he had gotten some full-on S&M strap covered get up, it shouldn't be taking this long.

"Be patient, I'm almost done" he felt float through his head.

"Ok, fine – but hurry up" he sent back. When the door finally opened, he glanced at his watch and stood expectantly, drawing a sharp breath at what he saw. There were no straps or buckles, no collars, or chains hanging off of him, his outfit was surprisingly tasteful, almost elegant if the skirt hadn't been so short. It wasn't Goten standing in front of him, he had been replaced with Goten's twin sister, and she was fucking hot. A form-fitting red silk dress covered his body, leaving legs that were a lot longer than Trunks remembered smooth and bare beneath it. He was wearing matching red heels that were at least 3 inches tall... Kami, that was hot... His pecks were so well defined that it actually looked like he had a small amount of cleavage, and the dress went all the way up to an oriental-style collared neck that would keep the truth from being discovered. A white fake-fur jacket hit him above the waist, accenting curves and drawing attention to that incredible 'Son' ass. Even with all that going on though, Trunks couldn't help being drawn back up to his face. Soft black ringlets framed it, falling down in front of his eyes to just barely sweep his shoulders. His eyes seemed to glow with a tasteful combination of makeup and shimmering glitter – Trunks had never really thought of his friends' face as being effeminate, but framed by those curls, in reality, he made a pretty striking woman... It wasn't until he was enjoying a second round of gazing at Goten's ass in that amazing red silk, that he realized he hadn't said anything for at least the last 5 minutes, just staring and drooling was apparently all he had been capable of. Goten stopped turning in slow circles, and walked over to him, surprisingly steady on those heels.

"I take it, you like?" he said in a smooth, sex-filled voice. Trunks growled and pulled him close, settling his hands over that silk, grabbing his ass tightly while trying to pull him to the bed.

"Oh, no you don't" said Goten as he pulled away, "we have a party to go to."

"We may never make it to that party now that I see what you've done" said Trunks.

They had decided earlier to just IT a block away from the house that the party was at, to help avoid questions. Trunks knew from his mom's various parties that showing up "fashionably" late was fine, and it seemed like they had timed it pretty well. The party was already in swing, music blaring and people laughing and talking all around them. When they entered, Trunks was quickly spotted by Nathaniel, who practically squealed in delight. Then he noticed Trunks' date.

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