Chapter 10

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"Ok, do I want to know, or not?" said Gohan as they all crashed in the living room. Goten laughed, and smiled mischievously.

"It's not that bad" he teased.

"Ok, fine then, tell me what happened" Gohan gave in to his curiosity, knowing he would regret it... story of his freakin' life...

"Well, between the gel and the pressure, I would dare anyone to not have a hard-on after Bulma 'examined" them like that" he said with a laugh. Trunks grinned in victory and said "Ha!"

"She played it off really well though, up until the end at least, I think she just couldn't help it" he teased again.

"Oh come on, just spit it out already" Gohan said.

"I was actually beginning to think that she wouldn't 'address' it at all, until she started to hand me a towel to wipe the goo off with. As she did it she looked down, right at my cock, and said 'Well, that's a shame, I guess I'll never get to find out if that's hereditary now.' and then she looked up and winked at me." Goten winked himself as he re-told it, busting up yet again as he watched Gohan's face blush profusely.

"Relax," Trunks said to him with a chuckle, "I'm sure she meant Goku" and he winked too. Gohan's face was on fire.

"Screw you Trunks" he said as he stood and left the living room. Trunks' and Goten's laughter followed him all the way down the hall to the kitchen, where he began rummaging through Bulma's liquor cabinet. He poured himself a shot of a ridiculously expensive scotch, savored the smooth burn of it down his throat, and then followed it with two more in rapid succession. He kept the pain and frustration concealed behind closed lids as he "stared" at the ceiling for a brief moment. He was well and truly alone now. Not that he had ever really considered "mating" with Vegeta or Trunks; it was just that all the years of confusion, doubt, and incredible loneliness came crashing home at having the pairings thrown in his face like this... He opened his eyes, and willed the moment gone. Forced it back down, like the anger he'd learned to control all those years ago. He suppressed the one memory that coalesced his struggle, put the cap back on the scotch, and flew back to his apartment without even saying goodbye to anyone. Sometimes he just couldn't trust himself. He wasn't as good at keeping up that infamous 'Son' cheer as his Dad was, and he knew deep in the pit of him that there would never be anyone else he could trust to let see beneath it.

When Goku and Vegeta got back, FOUR days later, they were both grinning like idiots, but Trunks certainly wasn't going to be the one to tell his Dad that... Gohan had been coming over in the evenings after work now that they all lived in the city, so he was there when they showed up, and unbelievably, he said it for him.

"Wow Vegeta, I really hope you were on top, cause if your smiling like that and you weren't, you may have to rethink that whole 'warriors don't wear pink' thing." Gohan must have developed a death wish within the last few days or something. Maybe he had caught it at work, like the flu, he thought to himself, as Vegeta's fist slammed into him.

"Oh no you don't!" Bulma yelled, "No fighting in the house, you all know the rule, take it outside!" Fine with him, since apparently he wanted to get his ass kicked, he might as well enjoy the scenic view while he was at it. He pushed Vegeta back and glared at him.

"Oh, developed a backbone all of a sudden twerp?" Vegeta taunted him.

"Come on you guys, settle down, you heard Bulma" Goku tried to diffuse the situation.

"I was just making a joke, he's the one always looking for a fight" Gohan said through clenched teeth, "Besides, Bulma didn't say to calm down, she said take it outside."

That beating would be one to remember. Kami, he hadn't fought someone who was really trying to hurt him in a long time. He sparred occasionally with his Dad or Piccolo, but it was just for fun, and wasn't with any regularity. If the earth had been under attack right now, he would have been practically useless. That realization hurt more that the bruises. A senzu had healed him up of course, but he also couldn't get the last thing Vegeta had said to him out of his head.

"A Prince is always on top, you half-breed son of a bitch. It's a good thing Trunks ended up with Goten and not you, at least he hasn't already wasted what little potential he has." Then he had turned his back to him and flown away. Gohan didn't want to think about if that should hurt him or not, so after getting healed he didn't go back to CC right away. Actually, it had been a few months now that he had been going home after work and donning his gi to spar with Piccolo instead of visiting his family. Piccolo didn't complain, he had always thought that the boy had taken his mother's influence too much to heart, and was glad that something had finally lit a fire under his ass to get back in training. He wasn't as bad as when he had entered the World Martial Arts Tournament all those years ago, but he had fallen quite a ways from the power-up Old Kai had given him. Piccolo pointed out to him at one point that if he had kept up with his training this whole time, he would have been second only to his father, maybe even passed him like he had before - and that was the day Gohan started drinking himself to sleep at night.

He still went to work everyday, trained with Piccolo, did his laundry and kept the fridge full, but even though his body was heading back towards the best shape of his life, inside he was a wreck. Now, Saiyans, even half-breeds, didn't really get "drunk" like humans could (it took over half a bottle of vodka to 'take the edge off' and let him fall asleep), but occasionally, on the weekends, he would try. He was past worrying about what it said about his mental condition. At work he was busy enough to keep distracted, then after work the physical pain dulled the emotional one, then after the spar the liquor let him fall asleep to start the whole process over again. It didn't really matter if he couldn't feel anymore, was completely hollow inside - he would be there when the earth needed him, that was his purpose in life now, and he clung to it desperately - it would have to be enough, he would make it be enough even if it killed him.

His phone was ringing when he walked in the door, so he answered it before starting to strip out of his work clothes.


"Hi Gohan!" Bulma's voice was cheery - too cheery.

"Hey Bulma, what's up? You need something?"

"Oh Gohan, stop being so melodramatic, I know you probably haven't been wanting to come around since Vegeta's such a poor sport, but your brother misses you, and I never got a chance to do the ultrasound on you" she said.

"Goten can see me any time he wants Bulma, he knows that - what I want to know is why you think I need an ultrasound..." he replied, sure she could hear the frown in his voice.

"Your blood work came back with traces of the same female hormones that Goten has. I tested Goku too, ended up giving him an ultrasound as well, and based on those results, I'd say it looks like all three of you are going to be able to conceive, but I want to do the ultrasound on you as well to be 100% sure."

"Is my Dad pregnant too?"

"No, not at this point. Vegeta said he wouldn't be able to get pregnant unless he was going through the 'mating cycle' - being half-human must have thrown that off for Trunks & Goten." Gohan was silent for a moment, then agreed to come by the next day. Not that it would change anything, he thought as he hung up the phone. He couldn't help but wonder though, if a person who was both male and female could impregnate themselves... WOW, maaaaybe he was not that far off from Goten's level of pervertedness after all... A wave of guilt tried to wash over him at the thought of the pregnant brother he hadn't seen in over two months. He pushed most of it back down; he figured that guilt was a useless emotion, you couldn't change the past, so why dwell on it? All he could do was try and do better for the future, like he was now. Maybe Goten would like it if he got something for the baby, he thought as he finished changing and headed out. He would have to pick something up before he went over tomorrow.


How's that..?..
Well review and see next time..

Till then guys..!

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