Chapter 17

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It felt like someone had stuffed his mouth full of cotton balls. He fought to open his eyes, but when he realized how hard that was going to be, he almost gave up and sank back into oblivion... His mouth though... He couldn't stand that awful sensation on his tongue, needed consciousness in order to fix that feeling. Slowly, slowly, he opened his eyes - man, it was way to fucking bright in here. He held them open just a slit until they adjusted to the light, then opened them a little more and a little more until he could focus on the room around him without being in pain. This had to be CC, it looked like he was in one of the guest rooms, but he didn't remember coming over here... He felt really weak too, and flexed his muscles, finding his body stiff and achy... Wondered, as he gave a long feline stretch, how long he'd been asleep for. The feeling in his mouth wasn't cotton, he was just really thirsty apparently. There was a pitcher of water sitting next to the bed. He wasn't really sure it was for drinking, but it smelled like it was just plain water, if a bit stale and lukewarm, so he downed it all. That was when his Dad burst into the room. He dropped the pitcher in surprise.

"Dad!" he yelled and practically jumped over to embrace him as Goku did the same.

"Wait, am I dead?" he said seriously, his face confused.

"Dead? No, of course not! You have been asleep for two weeks though; there's a few things we'll need to talk about of course" his Dad said softly.

"Oh, ok... When did you get back? Why was I asleep? Where's mom?" he started firing off questions. Goku just looked at him, his turn to be confused now, as Bulma, Trunks, Goten, and Vegeta entered the room.

"You don't remember what happened?" Goku asked him in that still soft voice, and the smiles on everyone's faces faltered a little.

"No, what do you mean? What happened?" he asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Goku returned his question with one of his own. Gohan blushed, and his eyes flicked to Trunks, then down to the floor. He started to frown though, and sniffed the air purposefully. Then got up, walking over to stand in front of Trunks with his arms crossed.

"You're not Trunks" he said with some venom in his voice, "Who are you?" Goten's eyes teared up silently as he watched his crazy brother from the back of the group. Trunks didn't answer him, just shook his head and watched him for any sign that would mean he needed to get the now crying Goten out of here. Goten's open weeping drew Gohan's attention, and his eyes went wide, staring at Goten less than tactfully for a few moments. He looked back to his Dad, who had tears running down his cheeks as well - this was really starting to freak him out...

"What's going on here?" he said shakily...

"Just answer your father, idiot." Vegeta growled.

"Well, uh, the very last thing? Going to sleep at home I guess..." he said blushing again.

"Ok, what day was it?" his father prompted as Vegeta rolled his eyes. (Was it just him, or did Vegeta seem shorter than normal?)

"Um, I'm not completely sure, I don't know if it was after midnight or not, but it was probably close-" Gohan was cut off by Vegeta growling.

"Just tell us what the last significant day you remember was, moron."

"Vegeta" his Dad said with a warning tone in his voice. It seemed odd that Vegeta listened to him and shut up...

"Well - the last thing I remember that you would probably consider significant is defeating Cell" he said as he glared at Vegeta. It was strange, but he could have sworn that Vegeta paled and looked kind of wobbly, but everyone knew the Prince of all Saiyan's would never do a cowardly thing like pass out. His Dad however, was not royalty, and slid off the edge of the bed hard. Gohan just stared at him laying on the floor as the crying boy who looked just like him rushed to his side. Wait, was that boy pregnant? He hadn't really seen the lower half of him behind the fake Trunks and Vegeta... He backed away unconsciously until he bumped into Bulma, who had been leaning against the wall for support. She blushed, and that's when he realized he was wearing nothing but his underwear. Well, come to think of it, they didn't look like his underwear... That glance down made him feel like he might pass out as well. His body was different! He still felt like he was him, but he was so tall - not just taller, bigger and more defined, like an adult... Holy crap, how had he grown so much in two weeks?! He stopped staring at his hands, and looked up at Bulma.

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