Chapter 19

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Vegeta was 100, no 1000%, sure that he was going to regret this, but there was no other way. Even if he had tried to hide this last desperate solution, eventually, over the years, Kakarot would have found out that there had been something he could have done, and he would have hated him for hiding it. The only way to keep his mate from making their lives hell in the future, was to make them both miserable now. Gohan did not have his father's spirit and drive, would need a LOT of 'comforting' to recover from all this, and he was only a half-breed to top it all off - Kami this was going to suck... He pushed open the door to Gohan's room, disdain for what he was about to do already covering his face. He was surprised to feel a hand on his shoulder pulling him back.

"This doesn't seem right" Goten said with an accusing tone.

"Of course it's not right - this whole situation is FUCKED" Vegeta swore. Gohan lifted himself from crying on the bed to sit on it's edge.

"What do you want now? I just want to be left alone for a little while, ok?" Gohan's voice cracked.

"It's not right to just force it on him" Trunks' voice of protest joined Gotens'. Gohan's eyes became wary.

"Force what on me?" he said.

"Bakas!" Vegeta turned on them, "Do you want him to die?"

"No, but there has to be some other way." Vegeta ignored them and turned to Gohan.

"Do you want to die?" he asked him, giving him an out.

"Die?! No! Why? What's wrong?" Gohan sputtered. Vegeta didn't answer him, but turned back to the younger half-Saiyans, and pushed them out of the room. They started to protest, or rather Trunks did, as Goten was a little very pregnant for that, but a stern look from Goku sent them out the rest of the way without resistance. If Goku was on board with this, they couldn't really argue. Goku went and sat on the edge of the bed next to his son. He wasn't really sure how much they should explain to him, or if he was mentally capable of dealing with any line of reasoning right now. He settled for wrapping him in a hug while he thought, but the longer he held him, the more tension built in his son's frame. Gohan, the happy, whole Gohan he had once been, never liked to get into something without having all the facts. He got that over-zealous planning urge from his mother, he was sure... They would have to tell him what they were going to do to him ahead of time, even if it made it more difficult to get done. The Gohan who eventually healed from this would resent it if they didn't...

"Gohan, if we don't stop this, eventually, it will kill you" he spoke gently as he released his son from the hug. Gohan's eyes went wide, but he nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Vegeta knows of a way to fix it..." he continued, leaving his hand on Gohan's shoulder, "it isn't something to be done lightly, but it's the only way - I can't just sit here and watch you die." Gohan looked at him nervously, shifting in his seat.

"Why haven't you said what it is yet?" he asked suspiciously.

"Because you're not going to like it boy" Vegeta huffed with his arms crossed.

"Well, spit it out then Vegeta, if Dad can't say it, then you tell me" Gohan fired back. Vegeta glared at him, but looked over to his father, almost like he was checking his permission, apparently took his 'sigh' as an acquiescence, and said bluntly,

"I have to bond you." He was pretty sure he wouldn't survive the impact from this height with his ki suppressed, but he made a dive for the only window in the room anyway. His father's hand on his shoulder stopped him, pulling him back as he screamed.


Never never never never.

Echoed in his head as he fought and struggled. He screamed again - rage boiling in him with no release. How dare they put their hands on him! They were going to steal him from his mate! Another screamed erupted from him. Panic. His father was holding him down. Scream. Vegeta's face was in front of him. Rage poured out of his lungs until his throat bled. No release. As Vegeta's teeth sank into his neck, the mix of pain and pleasure made him want to hurl all over his Prince, but consciousness was slipping as he whimpered, defeated.

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