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Seokjin leaned forward, resting his elbows on the countertop, his chin resting in his palms, "So, how did therapy go?"

Hoseok shrugged, "She asked me like one or two questions and then the session was over. Taehyung was there too,"

Seokjin raised an eyebrow, "What was he there for?"

"He just said that he's been sad lately,"

"Oh, okay," Seokjin stood up straight and straightened his white button-up shirt, "Do you want to go out for breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry," Hoseok walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, resting his arm along the top, "I'm going on a date tomorrow,"

A sudden crash from the kitchen startled Hoseok, causing him to jump. He strained his neck to look and saw Seokjin kneeling down, scooping up the scattered remnants of his favorite coffee mug. He could hear him muttering profanities and cursing his clumsiness as he dejectedly tossed the mug in the trash.

"Is it that surprising, hyung?" Hoseok asked, tilting his head.

Seokjin sighed and put his hands on his hips, "Yes, actually. You haven't been on a date in forever. You're going with Sungoh, I presume?"

Hoseok nodded, "Yeah. I think I really like him,"

Seokjin shook his head as he opened a cabinet and pulled out another coffee mug, "I don't think you should date him, Hoseok,"

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, "And why not?"

"I think you don't actually like him. I think your subconscious just likes him just because he reminds you of Taehyung,"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "That's ridiculous, hyung,"

"Is it?" Seokjin questioned, "Is it really?"

Hoseok huffed and crossed his arms, "Anyways, your opinion on the matter isn't important. Besides, it's just a date. It's not like I'm planning on marrying him,"

Seokjin grabbed a coffee pot, hissing through his teeth as he grabbed the sides, forgetting that it was still hot. After getting over his minor injury, he poured the hot liquid into his mug. He then set the pot back down by the coffee maker and looked at Hoseok with a sigh, "I'm just looking out for you, Hobi, okay?"

Hoseok nodded and bit his lip, looking down at his lap, "So I'm guessing now would be a bad time to tell you that Taehyung asked if we could hang out and I said yes?"

Hoseok could hear Seokjin grumbling something about a 'stupid boy' and an 'idiot'. He looked at him and raised an eyebrow, wondering why his hyung was so short-tempered tonight.

Seokjin forced a smile onto his face and gently placed his mug on the countertop. He then calmly walked towards Hoseok and slapped him on the back of the head, "Stupid boy!"

Hoseok scrunched up his face and rubbed the back of his sensitive head, "What was that for?!" He exclaimed.

Seokjin crossed his arms and stood infront of the younger, shaking his head, "You're just setting yourself up for more drama and heartbreak," he scoffed and flicked his forehead, "Idiot,"

Hoseok frowned and slapped Seokjin's hand away, "I don't like Taehyung! I just want to be his friend again. That's all, hyung. I promise,"

Seokjin continued shaking his head and grumbled as he walked back into the kitchen to retrieve his coffee.

Hoseok let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the couch. Truth is, he's not sure how he feels. When he's with Taehyung, his heart aches and he misses being with him, but when it's just him, he couldn't care less about his ex. But now, now was a little different. For some reason, every time he closed his eyes, Taehyung invaded his thoughts and made his heart skip a beat.

Hoseok shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

'This can't be happening again,'


Hi guys! I hope you all had a good weekend!

Are my updates boring? I feel like they're lacking, but idk. I'm basically just winging this book, but I did have a lot of fun writing this chapter.


I'm really glad the had Hobi in the teaser though. I feel like sometimes he doesn't get as much attention as he deserves.

Anyways, I love you guys and hope you enjoyed! ❤️

Anyways, I love you guys and hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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(Hoseok abs for ya)

(Then there's this)

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(Then there's this)

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