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Taehyung : Away...


Hoseok looked up at Sungoh, then back down at his phone, debating if he should go through with it. Sungoh gave him a smile of reassurance and patted his back.

Hoseok sighed and began typing.

Hoseok : Taehyung

Taehyung : Hoseok?

Taehyung : Hoseok, oh my god

Taehyung : Oh my god

Taehyung : You actually answered oh my god

Taehyung : Hoseok you have no idea how much I miss you. I love you so much oh my god

Hoseok : Stop.

Hoseok : I just wanted to meet up with you so we could settle some things. I don't like how we left off and I want us to be on good terms. This doesn't mean we're going to be friends though, so don't even begin to think that.

Taehyung : okay, I understand. When do you want to meet?

Hoseok : Saturday, 11AM, Coffee Shop of Daegu

Taehyung : Daegu? You moved all the way to Daegu?

Hoseok : I'll see you Saturday.

Taehyung : Okay

Read at 5:47 PM

Hoseok looked up at Sungoh and sighed, "I don't know if I can do this..."

Sungoh nodded in understanding, "You'll do fine. Hey, at least you know that he's still sorry, right?"

Hoseok shrugged, "I guess, but that doesn't mean much to me anymore,"

"Just remember why you're meeting him. You want to settle things, so just accept his apology,"

"Yeah, you're right,"


"Hyung, would you please come with me? I don't know if I can handle this by myself," Hoseok pleaded with Seokjin.

(A/N : I'm writing this as I'm sitting next to my exchange student and she won't stop touching me and I'm really uncomfortable :') )

Seokjin shook his head and ran his fingers through Hoseok's hair, "No, Hoseok, this is something you need to do on your own. I could wait outside, but I will not go inside,"

Hoseok sighed and rested his head on Seokjin's chest, letting his steady breathing calm him. Hoseok was grateful for him. He always managed to calm him down and some how convinced him to eat. Right now, Seokjin was the only person Hoseok could consistently rely on.

"Look," Seokjin traced circles on Hoseok's hands, then turned his head so he was staring at him, "If you need me, just text me and I'll come help you, but I really want you to try and do this on your own, okay?"

Hoseok nodded and sat up, ruffling his hair, "I guess I should get ready then,"


Taehyung stood outside of the café, looking up at the sign dangling from the door, making sure he was at the right place. He lifted up his arm to look at his watch. 10:52 AM. He came early because he wanted to be sure he wouldn't miss Hoseok.

A little bell dinged as he opened the door and took a step inside. He walked over to an empty table by a window and sat down, resting his chin on his palm. The quiet music that played throughout the café began to calm his racing heart. He pulled his phone out and absentmindedly scrolled through his social media to pass the time.

Before long, someone sat in the seat in front of him and crossed their arms.

Taehyung looked up, his heart immediately began to race, "Hoseok,"


I love writing this so much. Once again, I had more to say but I always forget! Oh! Right, so, I just wanted to clarify that there are no feelings between Hoseok and Seokjin. I know it may seem like it, but Jin is just trying to comfort him. He's a parent figure-ish(?) to Hoseok.

Anyways, love you guys so much and hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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