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Aubrey Vasquez lived in New York City with her mother,Alyssa Vasquez and father,Byron Vasquez. She usually did YouTube Videos of her singing covers to other celebs songs. She could also write her own music but she never released them on YouTube because she was shy. Until one day,her mother encouraged her to post one of her songs she wrote because they were good. So she did and it got her discovered.

The Lyon family,Lucious Lyon and Cookie Lyon! The legends. And their children,Andre Lyon,Jamal Lyon,Hakeem Lyon and Jordan Lyon were all good at singing or doing something pertaining to music. They ran the big music label,Empire. Or Lucious did anyway because Cookie was just getting back on her feet after being in jail for 17 years.

When Cookie starts her own label,Dynasty,she signs artist Tiana Brown and her son Hakeem Lyon. Cookie then discovers Aubrey by watching her YouTube video of her covers and her own music. Cookie calls Aubrey In for a meeting and she signs her.

Aubrey is a artist at Dynasty records and her manager is Cookie Lyon. She doesn't know the history of Empire and Dynasty and their beef. She's just there to become her best person and to find herself.

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