Chapter One - Heavenly Bodies

Start from the beginning

“Where, Bala?”

“Out there,” she said, pointing into space, “on planet Earth.”

A tear sprang to the eye of the ever-compassionate Mother of All and began to slide slowly down her soft cheek until one of the ladies –in-waiting caught it in a golden goblet. There is naught more sacred in all the fourteen worlds than the Mother’s tears.

The Mother lowered her radiant face to her hands. “Oh, Bala, our poor Bhudevi, always she is weeping!! Her precious children are in agony because of their own wasteful greed. Then they will also be destroyed. Why can’t they understand? It seems so simple.” Another sacred tear fell into the golden goblet. “Of course, we know that everything happens for the best, but it isn’t possible for human beings to see the deeper significance. Most of the demons have taken re-birth there on Earth, even now. I expect Bhanda will do the same.”

“And his sons, Mummy, will they also be born on plant Earth?”

“I expect so.”

Bala rose and twirled around, her silk skirt, heavy with the solid gold threads, blossomed around her like an opening rose.

“Then I shall indeed take embodiment to save the world from the dark forces of Bhands.”

The Queen looked slightly amused. Taking the hands of her dancing daughter, she said, “But you have not been requested to do so, Bala. Devotees are not calling you.”

“Oh, yes, Mummy! The devotees at my temple in Indrakeeladri, are praying always.”

“Is that true, my sweet?” asked the Queen Mother, holding her child close, “I didn’t know!”

“Yes, Mummy, and besides, you can send me to do your work for I am your very ‘Self’ which is ever-young, isn’t it, isn’t it, Mummy?”

The great Queen chuckled. “Yes, my darling, it is true. In you I see myself.”

“And I know that the world needs a glorious, remarkable, extraordinary, super- fantastic girl-child Avatar right now, Mummy, right this very minute!”

Bala frowned as her bright eyes became moist. “They abuse the children in the world, Mummy, especially the girl-children, and they will pay greatly for that evil, isn’t it? They trample all the tiny sprouts in your garden, and they case aside the feminine ones to whither and die.” She shook her head so that the braids danced with way and that.

“No, no, no! they must stop, Mummy. I will make them stop abusing the little girls. We are not so vulnerable as they think! We are strong and clever, and I can show them a few tricks myself!”

The Queen said evenly, “It is never a good idea to give way to these emotions. You cannot even do your duty unless there is some detachment and the heart is free of sentiment. Listen, we Gods and Goddesses have been reigning from above for all these econs. We stay here among the astral planes, Bala, we don’t have

to go below. It isn’t necessary, either. We give love and support to those who pray for our help.”

“Lord Vishnu took embodiment, Mummy, and my father, Lord Shiva, also.”

“Yes, that is true, and I myself go for brief periods. But, Bala, taking birth in the world is very, very tough.”

The small, frail looking, girl-child took her Mother’s hands and kissed them. “But, Mummy,” she said,” I am also very, very tough.”

The Queen looked away, smiling. Realising that her child was determined, she tried once more.

“Please, don’t go, my dearest one, you are my only little girl! I love you so very much and feel quite lonely when you aren’t sitting by my throne.”

“But the world needs me even more, Mummy. Everyone would be so happy to see a wonderful little girl-child Avatar. I will cheer up all those who are sad and despondent.”

“Well, we’ll see, Bala, perhaps. We’ll see.”

“No, no, Mummy. I want to go now!”

“Why now, Bala?”

“Look, Mummy, down there in Bangalore. See, there in South India. That poor woman in rags has just abandoned her newborn baby girl on the steps of the Ganesha temple.”

“Your brother, Ganesha, will certainly protect her.”

“But she has no food, Mummy, she will starve very soon.”

“I will give her my own milk, I promise.”

“But if I myself become that small form. I can save suffering humanity. I know that I can!”

The Queen bowed her head. She had tried everything, but had lost her wonderful child to the world. “Oh, very well, Bala! I can see that you are absolutely determined. But now you listen to me, Bala Devi, you come right back here to this Chariot and check with me from time to time, do you understand me? Is that a promise, young lady?”

Bala threw herself into her Mother’s lap. Was it a touch of fear or uncertainty, which made her, cling just a bit too long? Jumping up suddenly, the small child saluted the great Queen. “May I never falter, Mummy! May I always have your blessings and your protection and your love, and my I always protect dharma!” A tear dared to start down the cheek of the small girl, but she brushed it inside quickly.

“You are my own! Why do you ask me for these things, Bala? Of course you have my grace and blessings, but be very careful about your siddhi power. If you are to be a human being, then don’t use extraordinary powers.”

“Not any, Mummy?”

“No! You must teach only be example.”

“Oh, Mummy, that’s no fun at all! Besides, it’s God’s nature to create.”

“Well, maybe once in a while, but only when it’s absolutely necessary. And I will grant you a special boon- you cannot be harmed by Bhanda or his sons?”

Bala began backing away from her Mother’s throne.

“You’ll come back soon?”

“I’ll try, Mummy.”

“Don’t try, do!”

“But I don’t know what it’s like down there, Mummy. Perhaps I’ll take birth and forget you my own divine nature. Every one else seems to!”


And Bala was gone !

Bala Devi, Girl-Child Avatar - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now