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You accept Sam's invitation and drag the lads into the little, tumbledown shack. It's pretty disastrous inside - muddy clothes strewn about the floor, dirt and other grime smeared on almost every available surface, and a sea of clutter swamps the floor.

In short, the place is a mess.

Then again, Sam doesn't exactly look like a guy who is into cleaning or personal hygiene. He still tries his best to be hospitable, offering seats and drinks and snacks.

"Snacks?" George says hopefully. "You have snacks?"

"Sure do!" says Sam. He reaches into a cupboard and pulls out a biscuit tin, then he holds it out to you. "Like a biccie, dear?"

You peer incredulously into the tin. The biscuits look about a hundred years old. "Uh... no thanks."

"Fair enough," says Sam, putting the tin away.

George looks disappointed but there's really nothing you can do about it. His poor, long-suffering tummy will have to wait.

"What brings a couple of Poms like you out here?" Sam inquires.

"A ship," John replies. "Well, a shipwreck, to be more accurate."

"Yeah, we were shipwrecked," Paul adds unnecessarily.

"Shipwrecked?" Sam's eyes grow wide and intrigued. "Well, why don't you try and get off the island?"

"That's the problem," you say. "We're not entirely sure how."

"You can always use my special escape tunnel," Sam suggests. "It leads back to the mainland."

The lads are quite eager to go along with this plan. They're just desperate to get back home and leave this wretched island behind. However, you're a bit cynical. How can a tunnel on an island in the middle of nowhere lead to the mainland? You try to get the lads to consider this but are immediately out-voted.

Sam leads you and the other lads out around the back of his rickety shack. There's a large hole covered by thick branches to hide it from prying eyes.

"There it is!" Sam declares. "My escape tunnel! Jump in and you'll be home in no time at all."

You think that the lads will take a hint and realise how fishy this whole situation seems, but they're still oblivious. Ringo jumps into the hole first, quickly followed by George and John. John takes Paul's hand and helps him down. You stand dithering at the edge of the hole. Sam is grinning at you.

"Hopping in, dear?" he asks.

"Um..." you stammer. "I don't think so. I'd rather stay up here."

"Come on, babes," Paul says, trying to coax you down. "It'll be fine."

"For goodness' sake," you sigh, but jump down into the tunnel.

To your surprise, it actually IS a tunnel! You and lads have to belly crawl along because the ceiling is barely five inches from the top of your head - and that's in a lying-down position! John suggests that you lead the way but you turn him down. You know it's just a ploy so he can look up your skirt.

After endless ages of crawling, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. You can hear all kinds of sounds - bird calls, the chirping of cicadas, wind. You hurry towards the light and peer out of the hole, blinking in the sudden brightness.

Sam was right. The tunnel did, in fact, lead to the mainland!

Only he didn't clarify WHICH mainland.

This doesn't look like London at all.

You and the lads are in the middle of a forest. There are huge ferns and trees towering over you. The branches are alive with bird songs and wind. It's pretty, but it certainly isn't where you wanted to end up.

"Where are we?" Ringo asks, glancing around in confusion.

"Oh no," you say. You've noticed a sign nearby that reveals your current location... and it's a lot further from home than you wanted.

You're in New Zealand.

Then a faint, echoey voice erupts from the tunnel.

"I told you it led to the mainland!" Sam yells. "My mainland! I'm from New Zealand, mate!"

This certainly can't end well.

It doesn't. You're attacked by a bevy of rabid ninja possums the following morning.

You die.


(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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