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You're desperately thirsty after inhaling all that seawater in the chaos that erupted on the boat. You thank Ringo gratefully and take a long gulp of water. It feels absolutely wonderful slipping down your parched throat.

"Thanks, Ringo," you say, handing the jug back. "I really needed that."

"You know what else we need?" says John, sifting through the berries and picking out the red ones. "We need a fire."

"Yeah, how else are we going to cook meat and stuff?" says George.

"Maybe we could go vegetarian for a few days?" Paul suggests, sounding hopeful.

Unfortunately, his idea is shot down almost immediately. No one like the idea of living on roots and tree bark for several days. The group comes to the decision to search for a way to start a fire.

"Does anyone have a match?" Paul asks.

Everyone starts delving through their pockets, pulling out the weirdest stuff. Combs, yo-yos, false teeth, keys, pieces of fluffy toffee (which George eats), but no matches of any description.

"This is just too bad," Paul groans, sitting down.

"Are you sure you don't have anything else?" you ask, sitting beside him.

"Well... I have a mirror, but I don't know what that'll do."

"And I have some smoke flares," John says, pulling them out of his jacket pocket.

"Why do you have smoke flares about your person?" you ask. "Surely that's illegal."

John shrugs.

"Still, we can use the mirror and the flares!" you cry, gathering them up. "We can signal for help!"

"But which one should we use?" Paul asks, snatching his precious mirror back. He pets it like it's a kitten. "If you're going to use Betty, then you treat her with respect!"

"You named your mirror?" you say.

"Yeah. Doesn't everyone?"

You sigh and set to work.

If you choose to use the mirror - sorry, Betty - to signal for help, go to Fifteen.

If you choose to have a go with John's oddly convenient smoke flares (which you've never used before), go to Sixteen.

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