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"Let's send use the bottle and stationary set," you say, snatching both items up in your hands.

"What for?" John inquires. "Are we going to have a game of Pictionary?"

"No, you idiot!" says Paul. "We're obviously going to play Spin the Bottle." He glances at you and grins.

"Stop it, Paul," you say. "You and John are both idiots."

"Well, what are we going to do?" John asks.

"We'll send a message in a bottle," you say grandly. "Like an SOS, in a way."

"Message in a bottle?" Ringo repeats. "I love that song!"

"How can you, y'numptey?" George grumbles. (He's still grumpy about losing his dolphin seafood snack earlier.) "That song won't be around for another decade or so. 1979, to be precise."

"George!" you cry. "Stop being such a Grumpy Graham! It's getting on my nerves!"

"Yeah, and stop breaking the fourth wall," Paul adds. He looks at you again. "Okay, darling. Write the note."

You take a piece of paper out from the stationary set and prepare to get writing... but there's one small problem.

No pen.

"Where did the pen go?" you say.

Everyone looks around wildly, trying to locate the lost writing tool. Then you spot it - in Ringo's hands, which is hardly ever a good thing. He's using it to draw cat whiskers on his face!

"RINGO!" everyone screams.

Ringo jumps. The pen flies out of his hand, soars through the air, and hits you hard, right on the boob. You clutch the afflicted area, doubling up in pain and staggering all over the place. The impact from the pen is so strong that your poor, frail body doesn't stand a chance.

You die.

(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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