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John hands you a rather alarming quantity of smoke flares. You want to ask him how he fitted so many into his pockets but decide it would just be a waste of breath.

You try to get the smoke flare working then realise one fatal floor: the flares are wetter than a walrus's moustache.

"John?" you say. "The flares are wet."

"Yeah," says John nonchalantly.

"Which means we can't use them."


"Which means we're basically stuck here!"

John's face falls. "Oh..."

"Yeah, oh." You sigh heavily and dump the flares on the floor. "Now what are we going to do?"

"Why not go for a walk around the island?" Paul suggests, wrapping his arm around you. "There's still a long time until the sun goes down. How about it?"

"Yeah," you mumble. "Sure, I guess."

So you and the lads set off for a stroll around the island. It's surprisingly relaxing, and you even stop worrying about the possibility of never getting back home again. Paul is trying his best to keep you happy by telling silly jokes to make you laugh.

"Here's a good one!" Paul says. "What do drummers use as contraception?"

"I dunno," you say. What do drummers use as contraception?"

"Their personalities!" Paul cries, hooting with laughter.

George and John crack up laughing too. Ringo narrows his eyes at them. You can't tell if he's hurt or confused.

"Here's another one," John pipes up. "Did you hear about the drummer who finished high school?"

"No..." You say slowly.

"Neither did I!" John yells, snorting with laughter. George and Paul join in. Ringo stays silent, a frown on his face.

"I've got one!" George says. "What do you call a drummer with intelligence, charm, and charisma?"

"I dunno," you say, sighing.

"A guitar player!" George shrieks.

More laughter erupts. John and Paul are practically falling over each other. You're not quite as amused by their jokes. Ringo is stone-faced, obviously trying to hide his feelings, but his blue eyes are glazed over with tears.

"Guys," you say. "Guys, I think you're hurting Ringo's feelings with those drummer jokes."

"Rubbish," says John. "Ringo's probably too thick to understand them!"

"I'm not thick!" Ringo shouts suddenly, startling everyone. Even John is shocked into silence.

"I hate it when people are mean to me just because I'm a drummer!" Ringo continues, tears spilling down his face. "You guys don't appreciate me at all!"

"That's nonsense," Paul says. "Of course we appreciate -"

"No, you don't" Ringo shouts. "You'd be better off without me! So I'll so everyone a favour and clear off! Goodbye!"

Then he storms off into the greenery and disappears. You and the other three Beatles are left utterly speechless.

"Look at Ringo," George says, breaking the silence. "He's sulking again."

"Oh, he'll come around eventually," John says. "Come on. Let's keep walking."

"Coming, dear?" Paul says to you, offering his hand.

If you choose to tear away from Paul and go after Ringo, go to Seventeen.

If you choose to go with Paul, John, and George, leaving Ringo to sulk by himself, go to Eighteen.

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