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You waste no time and seize a dinky paddle from the floor of the lifeboat. You thrust another one at John (who seems to be the strongest) and instruct him to row as fast as he possibly can.

"Why?" John asks. Then he sees the fin streaking through the water at an unnerving rate. "Oh shit! What are you waiting for, girly? Row!"

You stab at the water until you're blue in the face, but you're just not strong enough to get anywhere.

To makes matters worse, the paddle snaps in half in the middle of your rowing frenzy.

"Shit," you mutter, tossing the broken paddle overboard. It clonks your pursuer on the head with a loud 'thunk!'.

Then, a huge Great White Shark erupts from the water, terrifying teeth glittering in the sunlight. Its cold, alien eyes are fixated on you and the lads. You clasp Paul, scared that this may be the end.

Instead of eating you like you assumed it would, the shark stretches upwards until it's directly above the boat, pauses, then bellyflops on top of you, completely swamping the boat.

Death by a shark's bellyflop.

How embarrassing.

You die.


(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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