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"Did I ever tell you boys that I'm a triple-dragon master at ninja stealth?" you ask.

John, Paul, and George shake their heads, looking puzzled.

"Well, I am!" you say proudly. "You distract the crabs, and I'll sneak in and rescue Ringo."

"Are you mental?!" George cries. "We'll be ripped to shreds!"

"Yeah! We'll have to outrun the little bastards!" says John.

"John, honey," you say gently, "you don't have to outrun the crabs... you just have to outrun Paul and George."

"What?" says John.

"WHAT?!" says Paul and George.

You grin sweetly at the three lads and instruct them on what they need to do. Fortunately, the plan goes off without a hitch. John, Paul, and George distract the crabs, and you untie Ringo from the stake.

"Thanks, darling," he says, rubbing his chafed wrists. "I owe you one."

"You bet your arse, you do!" you say. "Come on, let's het outta here!"

You grab John, Paul, and George and speed off across the island. Ringo sprints along behind, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to make sure the crabs aren't following. The five of you manage to make it back to the campsite safely. You collapse in a huge pile and lie there, motionless, breathing heavily and sweating like mad.

"Did we... Did we lose them?" you pant.

"I think so," says Paul, puffing like a steamtrain.

"Why don't we just try and get off this wretched island?" George moans. "We always seem to land in more trouble the longer we stay here! Let's just escape!"

"Yes, but how?" says John. He sits up and looks around. "No signs of any cruise liners around here!"

"We could always try different methods of escape," says Ringo. "We have lots of supplies from the ship. Maybe we could use it?"

Maybe indeed...

But what could be used to get a group of five off of a deserted island?

If you choose to use a stationary set and glass bottle, go to Twenty-One.

If you choose to use several rolls of duct tape, go to Twenty-Two.

If you choose to use a chipped teapot (possibly from an old tea set), go to Twenty-Three.

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